Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jean Craighead George!

Born on July 2, 1919, Jean Craighead George grew up in a family of naturalists, so it was only natural (if you'll pardon the pun) that animals are a major focus of her writing.  She worked as a reporter 1940s and as a writer and editor at Reader's Digest, but it is for her over 100 books that she will be be most remembered.  George just a few weeks ago, on May 16, 2012.

Her two most popular books, and certainly the best known, are My Side of the Mountain, which was named a Newbery Honor book for 1960, and the Newbery Medal winner for 1973, Julie of the Wolves.   My Side of the Mountain was made into a movie in 1969; the movie differs from the book in several particulars.

I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I've never read Julie of the Wolves, but it's going on my TBR list.  On the other hand, I've loved My Side of the Mountain since first reading it in elementary school, and have read it several times since.  Some years ago, I read it aloud to my daughter's third-grade class (or possibly fourth), who also loved it; it's a wonderful read-aloud story.  (You can read my review here.)

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"Jean Craighead George", Wikipedia.
"Jean Craighead George, Children's Author, Dies at 92", New York Times obituaries. 

Book covers: Wikipedia

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