Wednesday, September 19, 2012

YA Giveaways (elsewhere)

Several of the blogs I read have great giveaways going on this week:
The Book Smugglers have two books available: an ARC of Libba Bray's The Diviners (through Sept. 22) and an ARC of Phoebe North's YA SF novel, Starglass (through Sept. 29.)


The Midnight Garden is giving away several books: an ARC of Maggie Stiefvater's The Raven Boys (through Oct. 1, I think); a copy of Bridget Kemmerer's Spark (Elementals #2), inscribed to the winner (through Sept. 28); and an ARC of Hannah Harrington's Speechless (also through Sept. 28.)

No Page Left Behind is giving away four different books, including Seraphina (which I reviewed this week.)  The giveaway is open through today (Thursday, Sept. 20.)

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