Thursday, November 29, 2012


I've been through a bit of a dry spell in the past few weeks...For some reason I found it hard to get into stuff on my TBR pile, so I did a lot of re-reading of older books, not necessarily favorites but books I have enjoyed.  Thankfully, I seem to be getting a little of my new-book mojo back now.  I just finished Jasper Fforde's The Last Dragonslayer ; it was terrific!  (Review coming in a day or two.)  And I'm looking forward to Christmas vacation and a little more time to read.

On another note, thanks to Books on the Knob, on Monday I found out about Open Road's 80% off ebook sale.  Lucky me -- Kobo had an unlimited-use coupon for 80% off the discounted price, rather than the retail price.  I snapped up 14 of the Lord Peter Wimsey books for under $30!  I love the Lord Peter mysteries, so having a complete set in ebook format will be great.  By the way, if you buy ebooks, you really ought to check out the Books on the Knob blog.  They post about ebook bargains and freebies, mostly for Kindle and Nook but sometimes Kobo, Sony, or publisher deals.  They also sometimes post other deals -- Amazon mp3s, Tantor or Audible audiobook sales, etc.  It's a very useful blog.

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