Saturday, January 12, 2013

News and Notes: 1/12/13

ABE Books has published a lovely and poignant letter written by Harper Lee to Oprah in 2006, in which she talks about the role of books in her childhood.  

Publishers Weekly reports on the Kobo-indie bookstores program (it's not having much effect on sales yet.)

The Wall Street Journal thinks the e-reader revolution may be over already.
  Their headline is a bit misleading, since what they're talking about is not an impending rejection of e-reading in general (hardly likely), but whether tablets are overtaking dedicated e-readers (entirely possible.)

Book Riot has pulled together an awesome selection of
book cakes, like this one:

And Gladys Glockenspiel (no idea if that's her real name) is curating a collection of
bookwyrms -- book-loving dragons -- and bookworms on Pinterest.  I particularly like this one: 

Finally, you may have noticed that I've made some changes to the blog.  The layout is basically the same, but the bookshelf side art has been replaced with a more neutral background.  I've also changed the typeface within the posts to a san-serif font (Verdana, in case you're wondering.)  What I'd really like is a reading dragon on the header (something like the one above) and an overall design that carries on the theme/feel. Meanwhile, please let me know what you think of the changes so far.  Is the font readable?  Is the overall look better or worse than the template I used before?  I appreciate your feedback!

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