Friday, February 8, 2013

A Discovery of Witches: Movie News!

Deborah Harkness announced on Facebook today that the screenplay for the movie adaptation of A Discovery of Witches is finished!  According to Ms. Harkness, Warner Brothers bought the film rights in 2011, and it will be produced by Denise Di Novi and Alison Greenspan.  The screenplay is by  David Auburn (Proof).  Di Novi and Greenspan have an impressive filmography (click on their names for their IMDB pages), and Warner Brothers are no strangers to filming blockbuster books about witches,* so I hope the movie will be good!

The movie is still listed as "in development" at, and there's a long way to go before they start casting and filming.  Casting Matthew and Diana may be the toughest challenge.  Who do you think would be good?  No fair going by looks alone -- whoever takes on those characters will have to have some serious acting chops.  Please leave your suggestions in the comments below.

* Harry Potter, anyone?
Bookwyrm's Hoard reviews: 


  1. Stana Katic would make a GREAT Diana

    1. I haven't seen her work; I'll have to watch some of "Castle" or rent one of her DVDs. Her face has the strength (and stubbornness) I associate with Diana.

    2. Two more actors I'm not familiar with -- I'll have to check them out!

    3. I vote Gregory Fitoussi! That's exactly how I always imagined Matthew! And I think Lily Collins (as a blond) or Emma Roberts for Diana.

    4. I definitely agree with the suggestions of Gregory Fitoussi with regards to Matthew and Marion Cottilard for Ysabeau. Claire Danes looks like Diana but I don't know enough about her acting skills to give a proper judgement.
      What about Sam witwer for Marcus?

    5. I think that Henry cavill would be the perfect Mathew

    6. I would cast Tim Mison as Matthew and Ana Torv as Diana. That is if it were totally up to me.

    7. My first thought was also Henry Cavill. Perfect for Matthew.

    8. For Matthew, either Daniel DiTomasso, Sasha Roiz, or Henry Cavill. For Diana, I can see Rachel Boston as a perfect fit.

    9. Yes to Anna Torv and Tim Mison. Anna Torv is a great actress and I liked how she managed to combine strength, vulnerability and passion in her role in Fringe. I always thought I would like to see Michael Fassbender as Matthew but as soon as I saw Tim Mison in one of the comments here - I was immediately convinced!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Kate Winslet as Diana for sure! She's gorgeous and she definitely has the look and attitude. Although Diana's character in the novel is a few years younger than Kate in real life, I think she can pull it off. Richard Armitage as Matthew de Clairmont. Marion Cottilard as Ysabeau. She's definitely got the look and accent. Stockard Channing as either Em or Sarah. She's played a witch before in Practical Magic and she can look like Kate Winslet's aunt.

    1. Hmm, I hadn't considered Kate Winslet. And Richard Armitage? He's definitely got the intensity, but these days he looks a trifle weatherbeaten for my image of Matthew. (Not that he's not good-looking in his own right!) Stockard Channing might be a good choice for either aunt. And I've not seen Marion Cotillard in anything, but judging by IMDB, she's certainly got the right look for Ysabeau.

    2. Stockard Channing I think would be great as one of the aunts....but your forgetting one thing...she already played this role in Practical Magic :0( so the odds of her taking it on are slim. I still hope they get the aunts just right maybe Julianne Moore? Now there's a spit fire witch for you!

    3. Richard Armitage would be the best Mathew de clairmont I had him in mind the whole time I was reading the book.

  4. Oh I think Diane Kruger would make a great Diana! Also, Sam Witwer for would be an absolute fabulous Matthew. He is who I picture every time I read the book. He currently plays a vampire on Being Human in the U.S. It’s the U.S. version of the BBC show Being Human.

  5. Diane Kruger might be good -- I've only seen her in the National Treasure movies, but I see she's done some other roles, including in The Host. She could certainly look the part. Can she do a convincing American accent, though? As for Sam Witwer -- maybe. I haven't seen him act. I always pictured Matthew a little more patrician in appearance -- though I'm not sure why, since he was essentially a French peasant before he became a vampire.

  6. I think Eric Bana (plays Henry in The Time Travellers Wife) would make an amazing Matthew! :-)

  7. I think Eric Bana would make a perfect Matthew!! He is brilliant on My time travellers wife!

    1. Hmmm... possibly! I've only seen him as Nero in the Star Trek remake, and I was too busy being indignant that the filmmakers had completely ignored canon in terms of what Romulans look like (they should look like Vulcans, to whom they are related) to pay much attention to his performance.

  8. I think Sam Witwer would be a good choice for Matthew. :)

    1. Julia Stiles as DIANA!!!

    2. I vote Sam Witwer too! Perfect!!

    3. Sam Witwer! Yes! He would be PERFECT!

    4. Ummm I don't think so! 1) Sam is already playing a vampire...he won't want to type cast himself and 2) he is waaaayyyy to short...Mathew is very tall and imposing with broad shoulders and long limbs...the reach and build of a warrior knight.
      Try looking up Sasha Roiz from GRIMM...perfection...and I think he's FRENCH!!!

  9. I'd like to see Keira Knightley play Diana. Not sure about Matthew.

    1. Interesting... I can't quite picture her as Diana, even if she went strawberry blonde. But maybe.

  10. Tom Hiddleston for Matthew. Not sure about Diana.

    1. Loki, hmmm? Yes, he might well pull it off.

    2. I approve very much. Thank you for suggesting him.

    3. Jessica Chastain for Diana? She does have the distinctive nose and chin for a witch. She's a natural redhead too.

  11. Tom Hiddleston for Matthew.

  12. Daniela-Denby Ashe for Diana.

    1. I know nothing of her acting skills, but she certainly looks the part.

  13. Kate winslet for Diana!She is just perfect for the role...

    1. Possibly. She's very well-known, and I almost would prefer someone less well-known in the part.

    2. I always thought Diana looked very athletic (rowing, running), so I don't think Kate fits.

    3. Love her but she's too old.

  14. Sam witwer i can see that or eric bana definately not hiddleston for matthew and diana maybe daniela denby ashe or Keira knightley i can see that

  15. Henry cavill for matthew

    1. He certainly looks the part! And he's played a god and Superman as well as being in The Tudors. You may be on to something!

    2. So far out of the suggestions on here, Henry Cavill gets my vote.

    3. Yes, Henry Cavill definitely looks the part. So far he has my vote.

    4. Yes, out of the suggestions so far, I vote for Henry Cavill too. He looks closest the the Matthew I pictured in my mind.

  16. I kept picturing Jennifer Morrison as Diana. I think she would be perfect.

    1. I can picture her as Diana for sure.

  17. I could see Rodrigo Santoro playing Matthew.

  18. Richard Armitage would be the perfect Matthew! Have you seen pictures of him clean-shaven in Spooks? He's delicious! Emily Blunt would be lovely as Diana....a trifle young, perhaps...

  19. OH MY GOODNESS!!! SAM WITWER DEFINITELY!!! He is exactly how I picture Matthew to be. I have seen him on that vamp show and he can pull off the different personalities (if you will) of Matthew. Not to mention, he was the voice of Darth Maul I believe in Star War: The Clone Wars. That shows he can do different voices which I think would be required of the person who plays Matthew since there are different times that it mentions Matthew’s voice being stronger or softer depending on who he is speaking too.

  20. OMG...Totally on board with Sam Witwer as Matthew.
    Also...what about Alexis Bledel as Diana? She has the sharp wit and intelligence of her Rory Gilmore (not to mention her New England charm), and she's fresh in her early 30's.

  21. Consider Michael Fassbender as Matthew. Still not sure who Diana should be.

    1. I have always pictured him in the role, probably because of Hex.

  22. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers for Matthew. He's gorgeous and a bit tortured.

  23. Benedict Cumberbatch. He was awesome in Star Trek. He has this wonderful creepy elegance.

    1. I would definitely love if he were a character, but I don't picture him as Matthew.

    2. I agree. Benedict Cumberbatch as Matthew.

  24. Gwyneth paltrow for Diana.maybe Jonathan Rhys-Meyers or henry Cavill for Matthew

  25. Richard Armitage for sure. Witwer does not have "aquiline nose" and is a bit young, Cumberbatch and Hiddleston do dark & creepy well, but lack the warm, romantic side.

  26. Novak Djokovic, Serbian tennis player for Matthew. He's got the look and a mysterious accent

  27. Henry Cavill as Matthew. End of story.

  28. I vote for Henry Cavill as Matthew. I can't see anyone else. He is tall and well built, drop dead gorgeous and is fluent in French(he is from the isle of Jersey, off the French coast) And Diane Kruger as Diana.

  29. Melvil Poupaud would be a perfect Matthew!

  30. Diane Kruger is PERFECT!! I definitely can't picture any other actress such as Gwyneth Paltrow (too flimsy) or Kate Winslett (too soft) to be Diane. And Sam, yes please!

  31. A little late to the party here - just finished the 2nd book in the trilogy and holding my breath for the 3rd! My vote is for Aidan Turner who played the vampire in the British version of "Being Human" (also Kili in "The Hobbit"). He can be dark, brooding, charming and already has the requisite British accent.

    1. I didn't realize he was playing a vampire in "Being Human," but he's wonderful (and gorgeous!) as Kili. Yes, I could definitely get behind that casting!

  32. Rebecca Romijn would be a good Diana. Or Kate Beckinsale. Bette Midler would make a good aunt.

  33. I don't know why but I see Mary-Kate Olsen as Miriam.

  34. Diane Krueger as Diane and Henry Cavill as Matthew. You need an intelligent looking Diane and a hot, muscular guy for Matthew. And he has to be tall.Marion Cotillard for Ysabeau. The aunts have to be cast carefully. Vanessa Paradise as Miriam.

    1. These sound pretty good!!!
      Altho Diane has a new show coming out called The Bridge...but she might go for a movie???

  35. Love Juliette Binoche, think she would be perfect for Ysabeau. Richard Armitage for Matthew, absolutely! Not sure about Diane, but agree with whoever said they would prefer an unknown...

    1. Ysabeau is supposed to be VERY young, blonde, fair and petite! NOT Juliette!

  36. Sasha Roiz from GRIMM would play the hell out od Mathew!!!
    Tall, dark, elegant...and I believe he is French???

  37. I think Diane Krueger has a TV show to air soon...I think it's called "The Bridge"....

  38. Gilles Marini for Matthew.....Now sure about Diana.....

  39. matthew is either matt bomer or Richard Armitage for me. Hamish I could see as James McAvoy with a scotch accent and Andrew Garfield as Marcus. I kinda pictured something close to Sally Field as Aunt Sarah and Emma Thompson as Emily but with a more Professor Trelawny type feel.

    1. Richard Armitage is a good one, but so is Sasha Rois. Look him up, he speaks French beautifully!
      Matt Bomer is probably going to be busy with The Fifty Shades Movies....or so they say???
      He's too short anyway...NOT a Medieval Knight!!!

  40. Richard Armitage seems like a fine Matthew. Personally, I can also see Benedict Cumberbatch in the role.... I can definitely see him as a vampire and scientist.....

    I haven't given much thought to Diana, though..... Kate Winslet might be able to pull it off. Her looks are good, but I haven't watched enough movies with her to judge her acting.... But as for looks, I think whoever plays Diana needs to be completely natural. No obvious plastic surgery or anything like that.

    1. Richard Armitage would be perfect. He uses the stillnes and is really good at playing mesmerizing dark people with good character threads. As far as I know, he can French. But I am not sure he would cast. As to Diana, I haven't given much thought to Diana, eihther, but I see her as dark as him. And sorry for my bad English.

  41. For Matthew: MAYBE Jean Dujardin. At least he'll be able to pull off a convincing French accent. ;)

  42. Matthew should me Michael Fassbender, and Claire Danes would make a perfect Diana. I 2nd james mcavoy as hamish.

  43. I pictured Matthew as Hugh Jackman and Diana as Amanda Seyfreid as I read and reread ADOW. Guess I will have to adjust my thoughts next time I read ADOW.

  44. Amanda Seyfreid and Hugh Jackman were the actors I imagined when I had read and reread the books...then Les Mis came out, but I still like the two of them. I think Amanda has that bit of ethereal vibe that Diana has when she walks with her eyes closed.

  45. Benedict Cumberbatch would be the perfect Matthew. He has the height and the build, not to mention the bone structure. Looks aside........he also has the acting ability needed to be a convincing Matthew. The actors should look the age of characters in the book. A twenty-something actor could not be Diana. Diana is tall and athletic, pretty, but not a beauty. Angalina Jolie (with the look from Salt) would be outstanding as Ysabeau, and Paul Bettany is Hamish. Jim Cavizel as Baldwin. This is such a wonderful story, but the wrong cast would ruin it.

    1. I second this!!!

      Amanda Seyfried is pretty an' all, but....I don't think she's tough enough to act the part of Diana well. She's also too slight; Diana should be....sturdy.

      And Benedict as Matthew = L.O.V.E.!!!!

  46. I think Shasha Roiz would be a good Mathew and maybe Charlize Theron as Diana. She's tall and the right age and, of course gorgeous. I think Eva Green would be an amazing Ysabeau if they aged her.

  47. For Marcus: Adam Pascal! Except that he might be a little too old... (born 1970). But with a little movie magic, that might not be a problem. He's a rock star. ....Well, no. But he has the right look. A late 20s Adam Pascal is how I've always pictured Marcus Whitmore.

  48. Okay without a doubt Tom Hiddleston should be Matthew. When I read the first two books his face always came to mind. Seriously you can totally see it.

  49. I second Richard Armitage for Matthew. Fantastic idea!

    1. Yes. I agree definitely with Richard Armitage as Matthew. Kate Winslet or Diane Kruger as Diana.

  50. Raoul bova as Mathew and Alexis bodel as Diana. Both not real well known and great character actors.

  51. Zooey Deschanel would be a pretty great Diana.

  52. I read 2 years ago that someone had suggested Keri Russell. She would be an excellent choice!!! For Matthew, somehow I pictured someone with the looks of Adam Levine.

  53. Matthew MacCaughnty and Diane Lane

  54. Patrick Dempsey and Ellen P. (from Gray's Anatomy). Would be great to see their chemistry on screen - Ellen could bring a bit of clutzy to Diana, and Patrick is striking.

  55. Sasha Roiz as Matthew & Racchel LeFevre as Diana Perfection!!

  56. Stacy kanic as diana and richard armitage as matthew

  57. Anyone seen Dylan McDermott in The Campaign? I saw him and immediately thought Matthew. I just don't know if he can pull off the accent. Matthew needs to be chiseled and HOT.

  58. Eddie Cahill as Matthew...Rachel McAdams as Diana

  59. i think Hugh Jackman is the perfect matthew!!!!

  60. Sasha Roiz as Matthew and Rachelle Lefevre as Diana. Perfect!!

  61. Definitely Richard Armitage as Matthew.

  62. Has to be Matt Bomer for Mathew. He is who I image while reading the books. He has a great body without being over muscled & can actually act too! He could do dark & brooding very well, plus is sex on legs.

    For Diana, I quite like a make up free Blake Lively. She may not seem like the ideal choice, but has shown she can act, is the right kind of age & has quite an athletic body. I also like the Julia Stiles idea.

  63. Richard Armitage is the one - Matthew Clairmont!!! As for Diana...why not Eva Green? :)

  64. What about Joe Manganiello for Matthew? He's tall, big, handsome, lots of hair

  65. Richard Armitage of course. What about Lee lee Sobieski for Diana?

  66. I laughed when I read your comment that Richard Armitage is looking a little "weather beaten". I've seen him up close and trust me, the man is gorgeous, kind and very suave. He also has a glint if you know what I mean. Definitely Richard Armitage, he has the depth the character demands.

    1. Richard Armitage certainly is swoonworthy and he definitely has the acting chops. But it depends on how long they take to get around to actually making the movie. Lately I've also been wondering how Benedict Cumberbatch would handle the role of Matthew. He's really versatile, and he can go from appealing to scary in a heartbeat.

  67. Here would be my picks: Diana - Rosamund Pike, Matthew is a toss up between Henry Cavill and Sullivan Stapleton (scientist/warrior is a hard one), Marcus - Bradley James, Hamish - James McAvoy, Sarah - Julianne Moore, No Em yet, Emma Rigby - Marriam, Ysabou - Eva Gaelle Green, No Mart yet, Peter Nox - Anthony Head, Nathanial - Freddie Stroma and Sophie - Lucy Hale

    1. Wow, you've really come up with a lot of them!

    2. In my mind, Kyle Chandler is EXACTLY who I picture in my mind as Matthew! Matthew MUST be big & TALL!! I was SOOOO Dissapointed when Taylor Lautner was cast as Jacob (Twilight)! ALL of the wolves were disappointing! I really think Diana & Matthew should be unknowns!

  68. I love that this is still getting comments. For some reason I always pictured Diana as Laura Linney and Matthew as Michael Fassbender. But ever since Sleepy Hollow came around, I have to add Tom Mison to my list of possible Michaels.

  69. What about Kristen Bell or Carey Mulligan for Diana?

  70. Replies
    1. It amazes and delights me that it's still getting comments -- and some terrific suggestions!

  71. Kate Winslet as Diana and Tom Hiddleston as Matthew. Ray Stevenson as Phillipe

  72. Rachel LeFevre (Under the Dome) would make a great Diana. I agree that Richard Armitage would be a fabulous Matthew.

  73. I've just finished the third! Anyway, I can completely see Benedict Cumberbatch, Richard Armitage or Henry Cavill as Matthew...I think Stana Katic or Jennifer Carpenter would make good Diana's...Definitely agree with Marion Cotillard as Ysabeau though! Perhaps Chris Hemsworth as Gallowglass? Eva Green should definitely be included, but not sure if I prefer her for Miriam or Verin? Anyway, enough out of me!


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