Wednesday, August 20, 2014

In the Dragon's Eye: To Die Fur & Memory Zero

In the Dragon's Eye is where I share the books I've got my acquisitive eye on: the ones I'm really excited about and hope to read and perhaps add to the hoard.  I also link to "Waiting On" Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the SpineCover links take you to Goodreads; all blurbs are also from Goodreads.

I've got my eye on two paranormal mysteries coming out next week: a relatively light paranormal cozy featuring a ghost dog and a telepathic cat, and the first in a new urban fantasy series by Keri Arthur, an author I've heard about but not yet read. (Memory Zero was published in 2004 by ImaJinn, but is now being re-released by Dell.)

To Die Fur (Whiskey Foxtrot Tango #2)
 Dixie Lyle
St. Martin's Paperbacks: 8/26/14
Deirdre "Foxtrot" Lancaster is back. With trusted companions Whiskey and Tango, she’s on the prowl for a brand-new predator…

Foxtrot has her hands full, as usual. Working as as a Jill-of-all-trades for a zany billionaire like Zelda Zoransky means the daily grind is closer to a juggling act, and this week is no exception—especially when her side job is directing spiritual traffic in Zelda’s pet cemetery. With ZZ hosting a party for some of the world’s wealthiest animal collectors and a rare albino liger named Augustus in residence at the private zoo, Foxtrot is ready for trouble to take a big bite out of her schedule…

She doesn’t have to wait long. The half-ton big cat is dead, and there’s a houseful of colorful suspects, each one wackier than the next. But if they were all bidding to buy him, who would want Augustus dead? With the help of Tango’s feline telepathy and Whiskey the canine shapeshifter, Foxtrot learns that there’s much more to Augustus than meets the eye. Now they just have to sniff out a killer before any more fur flies…
 *     *     *

Memory Zero (Spook Squad #1)
 Keri Arthur
Dell: 8/26/14


For Sam Ryan, life began at age fourteen. She has no memory of her parents or her childhood. In a decade of service with the State Police, Sam has exhausted the resources of the force searching for clues to her identity. But all mention of her family seems to have been deliberately wiped off the record. Everything changes the night Sam’s missing partner resurfaces as a vampire... and forces her to kill him in self-defense. Now Sam is charged with murder. Suspended from the force, and with no one left to trust, Sam accepts some unexpected help from Gabriel Stern, a shapeshifter who conceals startling secrets.

While investigating the circumstances surrounding her partner’s strange behavior, Sam discovers that Garbriel’s been involved with a dangerous organization that’s planning a war on the human race. More immediate, someone is guarding the truth about Sam’s past—someone who’d rather see her dead than risk her knowing too much. To stay alive, Sam must unravel the threads of her past—and find out not only who she is but what she is.


  1. Those sound like two fun and interesting reads. I'll have to keep an eye out for them.

    1. They do look like fun! Memory Zero is the first in what I think is a trilogy; the second and third books come out in September and October, so there won't be ages to wait!.

  2. I've heard good things about Dixie Lyle! I like the sounds of To Die Fur. I'll have to look for her!

    1. I really liked the first one (A Taste Fur Murder), and I hope to review To Die Fur next week.

  3. It looks like Memory Zero is a reprint with a different publisher, so this was written before Keri Arthur really became a household author name. I haven't read any of hers but will be interesting to see how these earlier works compare with her later ones. Thanks for pointing them out.

    1. I noticed that too. Since I've never read any of her other works, these will be an intro for me. So far I like the first one.

  4. I just finished Memory Zero this week and it was so good. It had a lot of the qualities I liked from the Riley Jenson series, minus the high level of sexiness. I'm waiting to upload my review to Netgalley and then I'm going to request the next two :)

    1. I'm thinking of trying her other books based on how much I liked this one, but I actually enjoyed that this series was light on the sexy stuff. (And I've now read the other two, so reviews will be coming closer to their release dates.)

  5. I like Keri Arthur's writing and missed this when it first came out so I'm glad they're getting re-released by Dell.


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