Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday Post - 8/31/14

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  It's a chance to share news, a post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Last weekend was so busy with moving our daughter in to college, I didn't have time to do a Sunday Post. In fact, it's been pretty crazy since then, what with flying home, trying to finish an indexing project, and dealing with plumbers. We had to have the hot water heater replaced and several other things; the plumbers have been here three different days and still have to come back to replace the whole-house water filter.

Next week looks to be pretty busy, too. Once I finish this project, I have another big one due in about 2 1/2 weeks. And I have to pick music and find a pianist for my choruses -- but that's much more fun than plumbing!

I apologize to all of you who left comments on the blog the last week or two; I haven't had a lot of time to answer them all. I hope to get caught up over the next week or two. I've certainly enjoyed reading them, though!

Last two weeks on the blog: 

The coming week:

  • Mon. 9/01/14: Awesome Book Cakes
  • Tues. 9/02/14: Top Ten Characters That Would Sit at My Lunch Table (in school) (tentative)
  • Wed. 9/03/14: In the Dragon's Eye: The Night Garden  (W.O.W.)
  • Thur. 9/04/14: Of Merlot and Murder, by Joni Folger (early review) (tentative)
  • Fri. 9/05/14:  Loving Rose, by Stephanie Laurens (review) (tentative)
  • Sat. 9/06/14:  News & Notes - 9/06/14  (tentative, because of everything that's going on this week.)

New additions to the hoard: 

(Cover links go to Goodreads)

For review:

Many thanks to Harlequin!

Bought or free for my Kindle:

Even for 2 weeks, this is a little overboard. . . but hey, I was on vacation! I've read all th Virgin River books, but some of the early ones were on sale for Kindle, and I wanted to re-read them while I was away. The first three Thunder Point books went on sale, too, and although I had bought #1, I read ARCs of #2 and #3, so I picked those up, too. The Jayne Ann Krentz and Mary Jo Putney books were pre-orders that came out on Tuesday. The next four were both on sale and on my TBR list. (Well, I've read Dolphin Island, but it was a looong time ago.)  The Lost Heir was free; author E.G. Foley is a husband-and-wife team of which the wife is Gaelan Foley, the romance author. And The Queen's Readers is a collection of essays about Tamora Pierce's works.

Have a wonderful week and happy reading!


  1. Wow, that's quite an author binge but it's hard to resist when they're on sale. :D And books bought while on vacation don't count. I also got the Novak book, among other Christmas books. :D

    Good luck getting all your projects done!

    1. It really is hard to resist! Glad to know that vacation books don't count -- sort of like vacation calories. ;-)

      And yes, I've got a few other Christmas titles as well, but they came in earlier. I'm still waiting to hear on a few, too.

  2. Hot water is more important than blogging lol ! It seems you went on a Robyn Carr shopping spree - among others ! Well, summer is for fun, and books are more fun than plumbing, so... Have a great week !

    1. Books are definitely more fun than plumbing! Thankfully, this week is going much better. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Nice haul. Hopefully your projects finish up and you find time for things you enjoy.

    1. Thanks, Kimba. I'm making progress - its just that I didn't get as much done during vacation as I hoped, so I'm having to work harder now. And the next one is a bit of a rush job... but it'll get done, too. At least I've been squeezing in some reading time, even if I have to steal it from sleep! ;-)

  4. Wow, I hate those kinds of tasks...and waiting for those who complete them.

    Enjoy your books...I like the look of Aunt Dimity and the Wishing Well. The title just grabs me, along with the cover.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. It's a fun series - very light, after the first four or five, but a nice diversion. I love the first book so much, I have my own pink bunny named Reginald (he's the main character's childhood toy; mine's made by my daughter to match the one on the original cover.)

  5. We shall have the joys of settling our teen into University next year. I hope your daughter settles in well. I hope your plumbing is all sorted out too. I am guessing you run a choir, I love singing but am not particularly good at it. I save it for the shower :)

    1. Good luck to your daughter! And to you - it was a tough adjustment for me last fall when she first went off to college, but I'm all right now. 'Robin' loves her school, and she's rooming on the top floor of a dorm townhouse with three of her close friends, so she's happy.

      I do run a choir - two, in fact, one for children up to about age 11 or 12, and one for teens. I really love it; I love music and I enjoy working with kids, so it's perfect. I sing, too, both in and out of the shower, and in several adult choruses.

  6. We're getting there - everything's functional again, but we need the whole-house water filter replaced. I did have fun buying Kindle books on vacation, and I've been plowing through a Robyn Carr re-read at night, when I'm too tired to keep working on the index.

  7. Sounds like you busy busy busy. Hope you have a nice Labor Day weekend and good luck with the projects. I have never heard of Dolphin Island but saw it was written by Arthur C. Clarke- that one's new to me but sounds good. I would have loved that book at a certain age I suspect, and I'm sure it's still a good read.

    1. Dolphin Island is different than a lot of Clarke's work. For one thing, it's basically YA. For another, it's much less technology, and no outer space -- although it's set in Clarke's future, the real focus is on the work being done with dolphins and communicating with them, which is probably what appealed to me so much.

  8. Busy, but wonderful, couple of weeks for you. We just settled my son into an apartment across from his new campus and we're still ironing out all the kinks of having him out of the house. Bittersweet for us now, but we still have a daughter left at home.

    I have Virgin River to read this week and now I want to get more of them. Good haul of books! Kimba was talking up The Hot Zone and I was thinking of reading the Harmony books. Hope you don't get too busy this week and that you have some fun reading!

    1. Best of luck to your son in law school! And to you and your husband and daughter as you adjust to having him away.

      You know I love the Virgin River books; I'm knee-deep in a binge re-read right now. As for the Harmony books, definitely start at the beginning -- and it wouldn't hurt to read the Arcane Society novels, too (written under all three of Krentz's pen names: Jayne Ann Krentz, Jayne Castle, and Amanda Quick.) I enjoyed The Hot Zone, but it assumed a fair bit of background knowledge from both those (connected) series.

  9. Ah the move for college! I just did that, haha.
    Hope you enjoy all your new books! I heard The Hot Zone was really good, definitely need to check out that series. Oh, I haven't read that Jessica Day George book yet, but I love her Princess series.
    Have an awesome week!

    1. Good luck in college!

      I haven't read Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow either, and since I love Jessica Day George and the original fairy tale, that's rather surprising. I'm looking forward to reading it.

      Re The Hot Zone, see my note to Rita_H above! And thanks for stopping by!

  10. Hope all the plumbing issues get resolved. Our hot water heater went out last year and my normally penny pinching self went into "Damn the cost I want it replaced TODAY" mode. Hot water is a necessity. I read the Marty Wingate back in May and enjoyed it. Not perfect but definitely unique. I got the 2nd one off NetGalley a week or 2 ago. You've been on quite a Carr spree! You and Kimba have me wanting to read her books. I just need to dig out a little space between my overload of NetGalley books. Have a great week! Glad you got Robin all settled in!

    1. We're getting there. The water smells better, though there's still a faint whiff now and then. The hot water heater was replaced Friday evening, so the only thing left is the whole-house filter, and that's on bypass until we can get a new one installed.

      Glad to hear you enjoyed the Wingate mystery. I'm a little embarrassed - I had an ARC but didn't get around to reading it. So I thought I'd buy it and read it now (or rather, soon.)

      If you decide to read Carr, start with the Virgin River series -- in order, because this is one series that really helps to go in order. I like Thunder Point a lot, but I love Virgin River!

      Have a good week and I'm glad you stopped by!

  11. You got some really good books, Lark. All the Robyn Carr books, of course, but also many of the others. The Queen's Reader sounds great and I love the covers on many of the others.

    I hope your water and plumbing issues are all worked out now. Not a fun thing to go through.

    1. Everything's pretty much back to normal. Thanks, Jan!

      Yeah, I'm looking forward to dipping into the Queen's Reader. I'm a major Tamora Pierce fan!


I love to hear what you have to say -- really! Unfortunately, I've been getting a lot of spam in addition to your wonderful comments, so I've had to turn on comment moderation. That means your comment may not post right away. I promise I'll post it -- and answer it -- as soon as I can!