Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Top Ten Authors I've Only Read One Book From -- and Need To Read More!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's topic is Top Ten Authors I've Only Read One Book From & Need To Read More!

This was harder than you would think, because usually when I find an author I like, I devour everything they've written, at least in the series that I liked. So about half of these authors don't have a second book out yet. That's okay; I can be patient. Sort of.

As usual  these are not really in any kind of order, though the first five are the first ones I came up with, and the ones I feel most strongly about.

  • Neil Gaiman (Stardust)
  • Rachel Hartman (Seraphina)
  • Charles Finch (Charles Lenox mysteries - An Old Betrayal)
  • Natalie Lloyd (A Snicker of Magic)
  • Lisa Van Allen (The Wishing Thread)
  • Connie Archer (Soup Lovers mysteries)
  • Sarah MacLean (Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake)
  • Nicola Upson (Josephine Tey mysteries - An Expert in Murder)
  • Jasper Fforde (The Last Dragonslayer)
  • Julie Kagawa (The Lost Prince)

I wanted to put Bee Ridgway (The River of No Return) on the list, but then I realized I had read her novella The Time Tutor. In my mind, she's in the top five.


  1. Fforde made my list too, but I've only read The Eyre Affair. A sci-fi literary murder mystery? Yes, please!
    The only book from your list that I've read is Stardust, and I was underwhelmed. I think it was a victim of the hype monster.

  2. Good list, Lark! I have a Charles Lennox mystery in my TBR pile which I keep meaning to read.

  3. One of these days, I will get around to Jasper Fforde's books, lol. Heard good things about Seraphina, hopefully I'll get around to that book one of these days as well, haha...Hope you enjoy Neil Gaiman's other books when you get to them :)

    My TTT

  4. I forgot about Sarah MacLean! I read her first and haven't read anymore even though I own at least 3! I have the first 2 Upson books (for which I blame you) and can't wait to read them. I also have a Finch and Van Allen so I'm glad to see you enjoyed them. I think I have a Connie Archer as well. Great list! The only reason I don't have a ton to add to my TBR is because they're already there!

  5. I read The Wishing Thread and have Seraphina on my kindle unread, but the other books I haven't read yet. I like your choices. I've been thinking of reading Julie Kagawa based on my eldest's recommendation. Nicola Upson's series looks like a departure from what I usually read, but interesting.
    Thanks for sharing a good list! By the way, loved your interview today.

  6. I've heard of only three of those authors but like you I tend to glom an author's book list. But sometimes there's not a second book or life or the library selection gets in the way.

  7. I've only read 3 of the authors you mentioned Neil Gaiman - Coraline (not a fan) but I want to read Stardust (love the movie), Jasper Fforde - The Last Dragonslayer (have to pick up the second book soon) and Julie Kagawa- Immortal Rules (good but not mind blowinging) I have most of the other authors you mentioned on my list though :)
    Here's my TTT post
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  8. Jasper Fforde is definitely one to read - The Eyre Affair was brilliant.
    I have The River Of No Return on my TBR list, I think it sounds really good.

  9. I've only read Sarah MacLean and Julie Kagawa, but recommend most of their books. I really want to try Seraphina sometime this year...I love dragons stories and it sounds great. Thanks for sharing!


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