Saturday, April 14, 2012

"Below Stairs" by Margaret Powell

Below Stairs is the memoir which (in part) inspired both Upstairs, Downstairs and Downton Abbey.  Born in 1907 to an impoverished family, Margaret Powell relinquished a scholarship she couldn't afford to take up and entered domestic service as a kitchen maid -- the lowest of the female servants -- at the age of fourteen.  Within four years, she had advanced to the position of cook, a position she held until her marriage.  Her brief account of her experiences under a number of employers is by turns matter-of-fact, bitingly angry, and funny.  Powell writes with disarming frankness of the servants' life below stairs: a life of hard work, poor working and living conditions, and lack of appreciation, even disdain, from their employers.  You'll never again read a novel about the upper classes without considering what goes on behind the scenes.

Category: Memoir
Book source: Public library

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