Thursday, May 3, 2012

Announcing the Malice Domestic Convention, 2013

Malice Domestic, the convention for mystery authors and readers held annually in Bethesda, Maryland, has announced the dates and  guest list for the 2013 conference. This is the convention which chooses the prestigious Agatha awards.  The convention will be May 3-5, 2013.  Laurie R. King will be the Guest of Honor; Laura Lippman the Toastmaster, Peter Robinson the International Guest of Honor, and Cindy Silberblatt the Fan Guest of Honor.  Aaron Elkins will be honored for lifetime achievement and Dick Francis will be remembered.

Malice Domestic attracts a lot of authors as well as fans. You can see the list of 2012 author attendees here.  Although I've never been to one, I've heard this convention is a great place for signings.  2012's panel discussions and presentations certainly looked like a lot of fun.  I'd love to attend; perhaps one of these years I can arrange my schedule to let me do so!

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