Thursday, June 7, 2012

Farewell to Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury, considered with Asimov, Clarke, and Heinlein to be one of the iconic figures of the classic science fiction era, died June 5, 2012, at the age of 91.

I first came across Bradbury's stories in middle school, and was captivated (if sometimes mystified, given my age) by The Martian Chronicles. I read several other short story collections, including I Sing the Body Electric!; the title story briefly became one of my favorites. However, I found some of his work disturbing, even macabre.  As I grew older, I discovered other science fiction and fantasy writers whose work spoke more directly and more clearly to me, and I put Bradbury's books aside. In some ways, I regret having read Bradbury so young, when I was probably not mature enough to really understand his work; I focused on the surface story and only dimly sensed the meaning.  Perhaps one day I'll pick up The Martian Chronicles or I Sing the Body Electric! and read with an adult sensibility; until then, I'll continue to remember my favorite stories fondly. 

Rest in peace, Mr. Bradbury.

If you are interested in reading about Ray Bradbury's life and works, try the following: 

"Brought Mars to Earth with a Lyrical Mastery". The New York Times, obituary section
"Ray Bradbury". Wikipedia article

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