Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back from vacation!

Banff National Park
© K. Pekar, 2012
I'm just back from a fantastic three-week vacation with my family, two weeks of it spent in Banff and Jasper National Parks in the Canadian Rockies.  Gorgeous mountains, beautiful streams and waterfalls, lovely walks and hikes, gondola and tram rides, whitewater rafting, and plenty of wildlife!  I took far too many pictures; it will take me weeks to go through and prune them all.

Banff National Park
© K. Pekar, 2012

 We were so busy having fun that I had less time for reading than I had planned... but I did manage to get through some of the books on my summer reading list, including a reread of A Discovery of Witches in preparation for Shadow of Night, which I can't wait to start!

Here's what I will be blogging in the next week or two: reviews of  Sunrise Point (Robyn Carr), Magic Under Stone (Jaclyn Dolamore), Cast On, Kill Off (Maggie Sefton), and Rainshadow Road (Lisa Kleypas), plus posts about two book-related stops we made (teaser: one has to do with a classic children's book set in Minnesota.)

I'll leave you with one more picture from our vacation:

Grizzly bear, Banff National Park
© K. Pekar, 2012
 We saw ten bears during the course of our trip: two grizzly mamas with two cubs each, the male grizzly above, a black bear in the same location later that day, and two older black bear cubs (each without mom, and in separate locations.)  Also a wolf, lots of elk, a mule deer, marmots, squirrels of various kinds, ravens, ospreys, and several other birds.  It was an incredible vacation!

Updated 7/20 & 7/24/2012: Links to published reviews added.

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