Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cupcakes, bikinis, and mazes - Oh, my!

Seen around the Internet:

Victoria's Kitchen, a specialty baking company in West London, has created a whole series of cupcakes topped with (edible) book covers.  I wish I lived in Great Britain -- I'd love to serve these at a book club or party! matches bikinis (well, swimsuits of all types) to book covers.  I love this Beekeeper's Apprentice cover and swimsuit -- a perfect pairing.  Go to the website and scroll down to see more interesting suit pairings.  I thought the matches for The Life of Pi, Slaughterhouse-Five, and Brian Greene's The Hidden Reality were quite apt, as well.

And a pair of Brazilian artists, Marcos Savoya and Gualter Pupo, have created a maze using over 250,000 books.  It will be on display in London through August 25, so if you're there for the Olympics (or call London home), you may want to make time to see it. 

Thanks to the AbeBooks Facebook page for posting the original photos and links.

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