Saturday, October 27, 2012

YA fantasy ebook bargains (10/27/2012)

Jessica Day George's Princess of the Midnight Ball and Princess of Glass are both currently available for $1.99 or less, depending on the store.  Books on Board has the lowest price, at $1.35 each.  (So far, Sony's Reader Store has not discounted either book, but they may match their competitors later.)

Princess of the Midnight Ball is George's retelling of the Twelve Dancing Princesses fairy tale.  It is both magical and enchanting, the best retelling of this tale I have read.

Kindle     Nook        Kobo      BooksOnBoard 


Princess of Glass takes Poppy, one of the sisters from Princess of the Midnight Ball, on a royal exchange program to another kingdom.  As you might guess from the title, Princess of Glass retells the Cinderella story.  I'm looking forward to reading this one!

Kindle        Nook         Kobo       BooksOnBoard

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