Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Sunday Post (Sunday Salon) -- 2/10/13

The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  It's a chance to share news.  A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

We've had an eventful week.  Last weekend, we found out our heat & AC system needed to be replaced.  The new system was installed on Thursday and Friday.  The new system is quieter and more efficient than our old one was  -- and it should be blowing cleaner air, since the installers also cleaned the ducts.  (And what a noise that made! The cats were cowering under the bed.)

But the most exciting event occurred on Thursday: our daughter was accepted into her top-choice college, with a good scholarship.  As you can imagine, we're pleased and excited and very proud of her! She's a smart and talented young woman; she works hard, and I'm confident she's going to do well.  But I'm also pleased and proud as her teacher.  You see, we homeschooled from middle school on.  Like any homeschooling parent, I sometimes wondered during those years whether I was giving her a good enough education.  I guess I can stop worrying!

The past week on the blog:  

Princess of the Midnight Ball (review)
Princess of Glass (review)
Princess of the Silver Woods (review)
A Discovery of Witches: Movie News!
News & Notes - 2/09/13: Amazon patents a used digital marketplace; how to sell your self-published ebooks; a library-cum-seed-bank, and more.

The coming week:

Mon. 2/11/13    Dying on the Vine (Aaron Elkins; review)
Tue.  2/12/13    Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Romances
Wed. 2/13/13    Cinder (Marissa Meyer; review)
Thu. 2/12/13     Backing Up Your Ebooks (article)
Fri.   2/15/13     Mrs. Queen Takes the Train (William Kuhn; review)  
Sat.  2/16/13     News & Notes - 2/16/13

    Links will not work until the post date.

New arrivals:  Most of my "new" books this week are library books on blogging and web design, borrowed with an eye to redesigning the blog over the coming months.  So far, I'm not planning any major changes to the blog's content, but I do want to personalize the design, make it a bit less generic and a bit more "mine."

That doesn't mean I have nothing to read this week, though!  There are several books I need to start or finish, including the new Debbie Macomber ARC I received last week, Jenny Milchman's Cover of Snow, and The False Princess. 

Have a great week, and happy reading!


  1. That is wonderful news about Amanda! Congratulate her for me. Where is she going to school?

  2. Thank you, Carolyn, I will! It looks like she's headed to Prescott College, in Arizona. It's a small school with a very hands-on, experiential approach and a creative writing program. She loves the Southwest, so this looks like a really good fit for her in many ways.

  3. how exciting for your daughter!!! I am looking into colleges/scholarships now, and it is overwhelming!!! My son graduates next year, so we have time. You'll have to write up a follow-up on how you are handling letting her go!! Ack! I'm having the hardest time dealing with that, but knowing it's part of the process ;)

    1. I know it's going to be a tough adjustment in some ways. Because we homeschooled for the last 5 or 6 years, I've gotten to spend a lot more time with her than I would if she'd been in public school, and I'm really going to miss her. She's a delight to be around, and a joy to share books with (she put me on to Percy Jackson, The Penderwicks, and Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller Chronicles, among others.) But it's time for her to try her wings, and time for me to figure out what's next for me! So I'm trying to look at it as something positive for both of us.

      Good luck with your college and scholarship search; I'm sure your son will find a school that's right for him.

  4. Such wonderful news about your daughter! I loved Cinder and look forward to your thoughts on it. Have a lovely week! The Sunday Post

    1. Thank you, Kimba! You too! (And about Cinder -- I loved it, too!)

  5. Congratulations. It always makes us as parents to see our children get the things they deserve. Happy reading.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday

  6. Thank you, Jenea! I totally agree... and it's great to see them succeed at things they've work hard toward, as well.


I love to hear what you have to say -- really! Unfortunately, I've been getting a lot of spam in addition to your wonderful comments, so I've had to turn on comment moderation. That means your comment may not post right away. I promise I'll post it -- and answer it -- as soon as I can!