Thursday, July 31, 2014

Challenge Update - July 2014

I meant to post a challenge update at the end of June, but it got away from me. So here's where things stand near the end of July:

Cruisin' Thru the Cozies Reading Challenge 2014: My goal was 13 to 20 cozy mysteries for the year. I've read 17 books and reviewed 14 of those so far; the other three reviews are written and scheduled for August. You can see a list of titles and links to my reviews on my Yearly Challenges page.

Classic Young Adult and Middle Grade Challenge:  I'm definitely falling down on the job on this one. The challenge is to read or re-read and review at least 8 classic YA/MG novels during the year. I also wanted to participate in the monthly readathons. I've read and reviewed one readathon book so far (Anne of Green Gables.) I've actually reread 6 classic YA/MG novels in the year, but 5 were in the Anne of Green Gables series and I probably won't review them separately. So I've got some catching up to do. You can see a list of titles and links to my reviews on my Yearly Challenges page. Just scroll down until you see the button.

2014 TBR Pile Reading Challenge: The rules say that only books published before 2014 count toward the challenge. I've been so busy with ARCs and new releases that I haven't read a lot off my older TBR pile/list. My goal was 11 to 20 (the "Friendly Hug" level."  I've actually read 13 qualifying books this year, but I've only reviewed 7 of them so far, so I need to get some more reviews written! You can see a list of titles and links to my reviews on my Yearly Challenges page. Just scroll down to find the challenge.

2014 Withces & Witchcraft Reading Challenge: I'm going for the "Mother" level of 11 to 15 witchy books. I've read 6, reviewed 4, and have another review coming in August. So I'm almost on track, but I need to find some more qualifying books to add to my to-read list!  You can see a list of titles and links to my reviews on my Yearly Challenges page. Just scroll down almost to the bottom.

COYER Summer Vacation challenge: runs June 21 through Sept. 5.  My plan for this was to try to read one ARC or review book and one book of my own choice (from my TBR pile/list) each week. That's not working out quite as planned, because of too many ARCs. I did manage to squeeze in 4 "my choice" books out of the 12 I've read so far during the challenge. And since at least 2 of the ARCs were books I would have read by choice if I hadn't had an ARC, I guess I can count those as "choice" books, too. So I guess it's working out closer to my plan than I thought! You can see the list of titles and links to my reviews on my Monthly Challenge page.

A Year of Re-Reading 2014: My goal was to re-read 10 or more books. I've hit this one out of the park in terms of actual reading -- 24 books so far! (I went on a few re-reading binges last winter.) On the other hand, I've only reviewed 2 of those this year, so I should probably go back and write up some of the others. You can see a list of titles and links to my reviews on my Yearly Challenges page. Just scroll down to the bottom.


  1. Well, you may not have reviews written but you're getting the books read and doing great!!!

    1. And I'm doing better about writing up the reviews closer to when I read the book. A lot of the ones I read but didn't review were back in the winter and spring. Plus I've read a whole lot more new-to-me books and fewer re-reads this year than I did in the last few years. So on the whole I'm pleased!

  2. Not bad Lark! I've fallen behind on a couple of mine but still plugging along. So glad we still have some time!

    1. Me too! And I try to tell myself, it's not the end of the world if I don't meet all my challenge goals.

  3. You are doing darn good Lark and wait till you come to the dark side..there is a UBB add-on that keeps track of all of your challenges for you. (you can see what it looks like under About Me drop-down menu on my blog..titled Challenges

  4. You're doing so good and once you get those reviews written you'll be golden. My problem is usually the opposite - I have all the books I've read reviewed and I'm coming up short. It's been so great having you join us for COYER this time around too!


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