Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday Post - 7/20/14

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  It's a chance to share news, a post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

It was a relatively busy week on the blog but a quiet week personally. Those will likely reverse next week, beginning today. I'm now down to the 2-week crunch period for the latest index, and I'm not as far along as I'd like to be. I've got almost all my posts for next week scheduled already (yay!) but I won't have much time to answer comments, as I'll probably be working 12-hour days. (Self-employment has its drawbacks.) My apologies in advance, and I hope you'll stop and leave a comment by anyway!

Last week on the blog: 

The coming week:

  • Mon. 7/21/14: Swan Point, by Sherryl Woods (review)
  • Tues. 7/22/14: Top Ten Desert Isle Characters  (Top Ten Tuesday)
  • Wed. 7/24/14: W.O.W. (Waiting on Wednesday)
  • Thur. 7/25/14: Cress, by Marissa Meyer (review)
  • Fri. 7/26/14:  TBD
  • Sat. 7/27/14:  News & Notes - 7/27/14

New additions to the hoard: 

(Cover links go to Goodreads)

For review:

Many thanks to Kensington!

Bought or free for my Kindle:

Yay for me - I kept the Kindle purchases to a minimum this week!

From the library booksale:

Oh, well, it's only five...

SYNC free audiobooks:

That's it for this week! Happy reading!


  1. Enjoy your new reads and the upcoming week. Hope your work goes smoothly and gets finished with time to spare.

    My recap:

    1. Thanks, Catherine! It's not going great, but I'll get through it.

  2. I got Sherlock this week, which I forgot to feature in my post. But I didn't get the other one because it's like book 5 in the series and I haven't read/listened to the others. Looks like you got some good books. I'll have to check out your review of Cress next week!

    SP & STS
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  3. My week was personally quite eventful with a trip to the ER. Self=employment would be even better for me if I actually made money. Enjoy your reads!
    My post:

  4. Ooh, your library book sale choices look good- helps that the fantasy ones have great covers!
    I have the second in the Harkness series on my kindle to read-- Kimba told me to make time and read it so I can buy The Book of Life, which everyone seems to think ended on a high note. I am able to read more than one book at a time if they are of a different genre, so I think I will start it this week (the mixed reviews are heavy on my mind, wish I hadn't read them).
    The cover on Swan Point looks good to me! Have a good, if busy, week Lark!

  5. Library sale! I'd say you showed good restraint. :) I love Kurland's romances but her fantasy did nothing for me. I stopped with the first book. Your Kindle book, Tuesdays at the Castle, looks interesting. I might take a look at it. :D

    Good luck with the indexing!

  6. Good luck with your project! Hopefully it won't be too many 12 hour days in a row. I have Swan Point and am looking forward to reading it. I've loved the other Sherryl Woods I've read. Definitely looking forward to reading it and The Escape.

  7. I seriously need to reread A Discovery of Witches because I want to finish the trilogy. Excellent book haul. Even though you'll be crazy busy working I hope you'll have a wonderful week! :)

  8. I keep meaning to read the Megan Whalen Turner series. I have some of the books, I think! And I have The Escape and Cress and the second book in the All Souls trilogy. I hope you don't have too many 12 hour days, Lark!

  9. Cress! Yay! I know you loved it but I can't wait to see the review :) I picked up Poison Dance as well - everyone seems to like the novella, but the book following has very mixed reviews so, naturally, I'm curious. Good luck with your work! We'll be here when life slows down for you :)

  10. Good luck with the indexing! Enjoyed your Book Blogger test post, those are always fun. We liked Tuesdays in the Castle around here...


I love to hear what you have to say -- really! Unfortunately, I've been getting a lot of spam in addition to your wonderful comments, so I've had to turn on comment moderation. That means your comment may not post right away. I promise I'll post it -- and answer it -- as soon as I can!