Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday Post - 7/27/14

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  It's a chance to share news, a post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Still indexing, still working hard, still barely have time for the blog. I love that I'm getting plenty of work, but I wish I were better at balancing everything I enjoy doing.

Robin is off to Alpha again - that's the writing workshop for teen writers of SFF and horror. The teachers this year are Tamora Pierce (again - yay!), Bruce Coville, Tobias Buckell, and Rachel Swirsky. Robin is really excited to have gotten in again. If she has half as much fun as last time, and learns half as much, it will still be an incredible 10 days!

Last Sunday, I reached a milestone: 100 followers on Bloglovin! I'm really excited. I realize that's not a lot to some of you, but it sure feels good. Thank you to everyone who is following me, whether on Bloglovin, GFC, or anywhere else -- you're all terrific! Especial thanks to those of you who left such glowing, supportive comments on the Cress review this week. [blushes] I was overwhelmed... I feel like Sally Field: "You like me! You really like me!"

I also added a new occasional feature to the blog this week: The Bookwyrm Wonders. It's a place for me to ponder and ask questions about the things that puzzle me, whether bookish or bloggish. And I've revived In the Dragon's Eye, which will usually appear on Wednesdays, linked to Waiting On Wednesday.

Last week on the blog:

The coming week:

  • Mon. 7/28/14: Until We Touch by Susan Mallery (review) (tentative)
  • Tues. 7/29/14: Ten Authors I Own the Most Books From (Top Ten Tuesday) 
  • Wed. 7/30/14: In the Dragon's Eye (W.O.W.)
  • Thur. 7/31/14: Challenge Update - July 2014 - checking in at (past) the half-way point!
  • Fri. 8/01/14:  The Late Scholar by Jill Paton Walsh (review) (tentative)
  • Sat. 8/02/14:  News & Notes - 8/02/14

New additions to the hoard: 

(Cover links go to Goodreads)

For review:  Absolutely nothing! That's good right now, as I'm trying to catch up on review books.

Bought or free for my Kindle:

I'm still trying to keep my book purchases to a minimum, but both of these are favorites of Robin's and mine, and they were on sale for $1.99, so I snagged them. It's always good to have old favorites in my Kindle when I'm headed for a vacation. (Assuming I have time to read with all the work I have to bring with me!)

SYNC free audiobooks:

That's it for this week! Happy reading!


  1. LOL you're too cute and totally made me smile.I'm one of the 100! Woot! Hope you have a good one this week :)

  2. I love the cover of the PRINCESS OF THE MIDNIGHT BALL and am interested in THE LATE SCHOLAR, mostly because of the weird way the authorship is being displayed, Kudos on your milestone :-)

    1. Jill Paton Walsh has been continuing the Lord Peter Wimsey series originally written by Dorothy Sayers. The first book Walsh worked on was an unfinished Sayers manuscript, and I think the second was based on Sayer's notes (not sure), but the third and now this one have been entirely Walsh's work.

  3. I can't wait for your Jill Paton Walsh review! I want to go back and read #1 but just haven't gotten to it yet. I think first I probably need to go back and read some actual Sayers because it's been awhile. This is when the whole project goes spiraling out of control! Looking forward to see who you own the most books by as well! Have a great week and congrats on 100 followers!

    1. I love the Sayers mysteries and have read almost all of them multiple times, so it's not quite as overwhelming for me. Actually, though, you could mostly just reread the four Sayers mysteries featuring Harriet Vane -- and it might be a good idea, because they're referred to in the new book.

      Thanks, and you have a great week, too!

  4. Congrats on 100 followers! I have the fewest followers on Bloglovin', as I only joined a few months ago. Plus, I have eleven blogs! LOL

    I guess if I add them up for all the blogs....hmm.

    Enjoy! Love the sound of your features.


    1. I still don't know how you keep up with all your blogs! I can't, even as a reader! :-)

      I joined Bloglovin closer to 18 months ago. I think some people follow using other methods or a simple RSS feed, but I don't know how to count them. I don't suppose it matters very much, but NetGalley and Edelweiss always seem to want to know.

      Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a good week!

  5. Congrats on your 100 :) SFF and Horror work shop sounds fantastic, I wish they had that for adults around here. I really want to write a good horror book.

    1. Thanks, Michelle! You could look around and see if you can find a writing group in your area, or take a class -- though be careful with creative writing classes, because some teachers are not at all supportive of genre fiction.

  6. Wahoo 100 followers on Bloglovin is fantastic and I am not surprised your blog is fabulous darling! If you login into it should show you how many followers through RSS and email.

    1. Thank you, Kimba! For the compliment and for the information. I'll go check that out - I'm curious!

  7. Congrats on the followers, and the new feature (and I like the title of the other one- In The dragon's Eye- neat graphic too). Thanks for the great links this week too- I was especially curious about the Tolkien biopics and the differig approaches they seem to be taking. Very interesting...

    1. Thanks, Greg! I had fun making the graphic. (It's Smaug's eye, in case you're wondering.) I'm looking forward to both Tolkien biopics -- and wondering who's going to play the major roles in each.

  8. Congrats on 100 bloglovin followers-- I have 4 more to go to reach that plateau. I think because I am so eclectic I don't draw in too many faithful followers, but I am happy for the ones I get to chat with. I have heard so much about Howl's Moving Castle over the last few years. I wonder if my eldest granddaughter (11 but super good reader) would enjoy it. Have a good week.

  9. We do like you, we do! :D I follow on Bloglovin as I find it easy and convenient. I've toyed with the idea a feature similar to your Wonders, maybe I'll do it.

    It's good when you can find deals on your fave books, enjoy!

  10. Congrats on the 100! And did you say horror workshop....wish I had talent for writing now :D

    My Sunday 

  11. Congrats on your Bloglovin' milestone! Princess of the Midnight Ball has a gorgeous cover. Enjoy!

  12. Congratulations on 100 followers on bloglovin! And you have more followers because I'm pretty sure I don't follow you there (I don't use bliglovin much), but I subscribe via email ;) Love the new features too! I am resisting Princess of the Midnight Ball, that cover is so lovely... Unless it was a have a great week my friend :)

  13. I cannot wait to see how you like The Late Scholar. I got that one from Netgalley and cannot wait to read it. I will be stopping back by to check out your review. Happy reading.


  14. Got a great week coming up! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  15. There was a time when we were all at 100 followers. I still remember when I got my first follower. I truly think if you are a good blogger you will love each and every follower. Congrats on 100! I am just getting back from vacation so I am going to check out the posts on your blog that I missed!


I love to hear what you have to say -- really! Unfortunately, I've been getting a lot of spam in addition to your wonderful comments, so I've had to turn on comment moderation. That means your comment may not post right away. I promise I'll post it -- and answer it -- as soon as I can!