Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday Post - 8/10/14

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  It's a chance to share news, a post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Whew, it's been a busy week - personally, though not so much for the blog. We've been getting ready to leave for a few weeks of visiting family before dropping Robin off at college. . . which has been complicated by the fact that both Mr. Bookwyrm and I got sick with horrendous colds. (OK, his was worse. Mine was merely bad.) Unfortunately, what had to give was the blog. Scheduled posts went up, but Saturday's News & Notes, which I usually compile toward the end of the week, went totally out the window. I'm sorry! But at least we're packed, and we'll be taking off very early Sunday (that's today, by the time you're reading this.)
Replying to comments kind of fell by the wayside this past week, too. I'll try to catch up in the coming week, but it may be tough with all the family visiting going on! I have a lot of cousins in Utah near where my dad and stepmother live, so we're planning a number of get-togethers and a family-wide potluck. I can't wait to see them all!

Last week on the blog: 

  • Mon. 8/04/14: TOUR: Well Read, Then Dead, by Terrie Farley Moran (interview & review)
  • Tues. 8/05/14: Release Day Review: Guarded, by Mary Behre - the second book in the Tidewater series. There's still time to enter the giveaway for a signed copy of the first book in the series!
  • Thur. 8/07/14: Blood Red by Mercedes Lackey (review)

The coming week:

  • Mon. 8/11/14: TOUR: Mission to Murder, by Lynn Cahoon (interview & review)
  • Tues. 8/12/14: TBD
  • Wed. 8/13/14: In the Dragon's Eye (W.O.W.)
  • Thur. 8/14/14: Not Quite a Wife by Mary Jo Putney (early review)
  • Fri. 8/15/14:  TBD
  • Sat. 8/16/14:  News & Notes - 8/16/14 (I'll try to get this one put together!)

New additions to the hoard: 

(Cover links go to Goodreads)

For review:

Many thanks to Macmillan, Midnight Ink and Egmont!

Bought or free for my Kindle:

When We Met and Hummingbird Lake are both books I've read but will probably re-read (and they were on sale.) A Wedding in Springtime, Frankenstein, and The Fierce Reads Anthology Vol. 2 were all free. And the Nicola Upson mystery is part of a series I've been reading (and it was on sale, too.) I bought Heart Fate because I'm in the middle of the paperback and didn't want to take it with me on our trip, and Wednesdays in the Tower for some light re-reading while I was feeling sick.

I hope you all have a great week! Happy reading!


  1. Oh noes on getting sick. Hope yall are both feeling better!

    1. Thank you, Anna! Mr. Bookwyrm is on the mend, but the flight seems to have set me back. I plan to rest a lot for the first few days.

  2. Hope you enjoy your vacation and your special time with family! Good luck with your daughter going back to college; my son is moving to his own apartment near his law school this week, and I am a mess about it. My daughter moved out when she turned 18 and never looked back, but my son stayed until the time was right (he is 25) and studied hard and became my buddy. Sigh...

    If you read this while away, please stop by and enter my Summer Giveaway which ends tomorrow, Monday. I have listed 15 "good condition used book"s I bought at my library sales, and the winner gets to pick 2 of them. I have the feeling you are not a new book snob and wouldn't mind reading them :) Enjoy your time away!

    1. It's great to see my dad and stepmom. And I understand how you feel about your son. I lived at home for several years after college, and my mom and I became really close friends. Now Robin and I are close friends as well as mother and daughter. It's great when that works out, and hard to let them go -- but it sounds like he won't be too far away, so hopefully you can still see him as often as his schedule allows.

      I'll try to stop by - the giveaway sounds great, and you're right, I am perfectly happy with a used book!

  3. Have a great trip and I hope your colds clear up!

    1. Thanks, Bea. Mr. Bookwyrm is on the mend, and I got sick a few days after he did, so hopefully I'll be recovering by midweek. (fingers crossed)

  4. Don't you love free books? I grabbed A Wedding in Springtime as well for my ipad. It looks like you have lots of great reading ahead of you. Enjoy :)

    1. I do love free books, but I used to get too many of them. Now I try to only download the ones I really think I'll read, and not the maybes. But I got some good ones this week!

  5. How dare you let your real life interfere with the blog!! :0) Hope you have a good trip! I love The Accidental Alchemist cover.

    1. LOL! Thanks, Stephanie. Yes, that's a cool cover; I voted it 'thumbs-up' at NetGalley.

  6. Hope you are feeling better and that things go smoothly for Robin.Have a great week Lark.

    1. Thanks, Kimba! We've got a treat for Robin during the family visits - we'll be seeing 'Wicked' (her current favorite musical) in Salt Lake City.

  7. Yuck! Hope you guys are feeling better! We've had the cold that would not go away for awhile but luckily it seems to be fading away! Hope you got your daughter moved in okay. The oldest is going back to college next weekend so we'll be doing that next week. You got some great books this week. I've heard good things about the Dixie Lyle series so hope you enjoy it. Have a great week!

    1. Hi, Katherine! I'm glad you all seem to be recovering. Mr. Bookwyrm is starting to feel better, too, so hopefully I'll be on the mend by midweek. Robin moves in at the end of our two weeks of family visiting, so we haven't done that yet, but it should go fine.

      I'm reading the Dixie Lyle right now and really enjoying it. I loved the first one. It's cozy mystery and humor and animals and paranormal all wrapped up in one - a whole lot of fun!

  8. I love Utah sooo much. This is actually Utah Book Month too There is a book blogger meet up on Aug 31 I am going to try to attend since I will be in Utah visiting my parents at the time. Maybe if you are there during that time you could go too!! I have been on several trips lately and got a little behind on comments but now I am all caught up.. took a little while.

    1. Hi, Angela! I'll be home before the 31st, but I hadn't realized this was Utah Book Month. I'll have to check it out and see if anything's going on while we're here. Thanks for the tip!


I love to hear what you have to say -- really! Unfortunately, I've been getting a lot of spam in addition to your wonderful comments, so I've had to turn on comment moderation. That means your comment may not post right away. I promise I'll post it -- and answer it -- as soon as I can!