Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon sign-up

I know - ridiculous, isn't it? School has barely started up, we're still having summer weather, and here I am thinking about Christmas. But it'll be here before you know it! Seems like time always speeds up in the fall.

Anyway, it's time to sign up for the Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon (Nov. 6 - 11) hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Jennifer @ The Book Shelfery.  The rules are simple: link up, create a sign-up post and list your goals, read holiday-themed books, and participate in at least one challenge to be eligible for the Grand Prize. (The full rules are on the sign-up page; just click the button at the top of this post.)

My goals: Read at least 4 holiday-themed books during the readathon. I'm not listing titles yet; so far I've been approved for 2 holiday books, but I've requested four more that I'm waiting to hear back on.

If you want to participate, head on over and sign up!


  1. I joined ,even though it's going to be in the 90's today and I'm not even thinking about Christmas yet, but I love holiday-themed books, so why not? I haven't listed my books yet either. Glad you joined.

  2. I'm glad you're doing it too! Yeah, it feels really strange to be thinking about Christmas when it's this warm. Although I do have one of my Christmas presents made already, and I'm working on another one.

  3. Thanks for the shout out my friend. Yeah, it seem soon, but before ya know it it will be the holiday season :)

    1. I know. It already feels like we're on the slippery slope toward mid-winter, even though it's only September. It may have been hot and sunny on Thursday when I posted this, but it's barely 70 today (Saturday) - feels like October!

  4. I signed up too and I've been acquiring books from NG. I have more than I can read for the read-a-thon but that's okay, I'll have options. :D

    The weather here has been turning cooler but I'm sure we'll have a couple more hot days.

    Good luck!

    1. I've got four NG books saved up, another that could work, and three more requested, so I think I'll have more than enough, too! Especially since I'm toying with the idea of doing NaNoWriMo this November.

  5. I want to do this too! I need to start thinking about what Holiday books I have and can read. Lord know I have plenty... I can avoid netgalley, right? lol

    1. Heck, yes! Start with what's on your own shelves and your Kindle. And there's always the library. I wonder if re-reads count? A Christmas Carol isn't very long, and I'd love to re-read it.

  6. Yay! I can't wait, we're going to have fun! Thanks for the shout out :)


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