Saturday, September 6, 2014

News & Notes - 9/06/14

News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, giveaways on this and other blogs, and other cool stuff.

Books & Ebooks in the News:

Worth Reading/Watching/Listening to: 

  • We Have Always Fought: Challenging the 'Women, Cattle and Slaves' NarrativeKameron Hurley has written an excellent post on how women have disappeared from our narratives about resistance, war, and, well, just about anything commonly associated with men. And how and why writers perpetrate that erasure of half the population, and why they shouldn't. Well worth reading. (from Aiden Moher's SFF blog, A Dribble of Ink)
  • Better Identification of Viking Corpses Reveals: Half of the Warriors Were Female. Well, nearly half. 6 out of 14 sets of bones studied... plus a 7th for which the gender was unclear. (, with link to USA Today article)
  • Book Publishing, Not Fact-Checking. Most books, apparently, aren't actually fact-checked - a sobering thought when you realize that we're taught to believe that books are more reliable sources of information than, say, the Internet. (Kate Newman, The Atlantic)
  • Neil Gaiman Makes All the Book Clubs Swoon (and talks about The Ocean At the End of the Lane.) Video by Neil Gaiman, article by Rachael Berkey for Nerdist.
  • If you take away anonymity, most readers will not comment, according to a recent survey. And it's not because they're trolls, for the most part; it's because they don't want their views on potentially controversial subjects (the Middle East, say, or 50 Shades of Grey) to impact their personal and professional lives.  (Matthew Ingram, GigaOm)  Or maybe they just want to preserve their privacy while still engaging in the public discourse.

For Writers & Bloggers:

Literary Losses:

Cartoonist Stan Goldberg, who worked for Marvel before going on to draw the Archie comic books, died Sunday, 8/31/14, at the age of 82. The Washington Post has a wonderful tribute to him.

Book & Movie Announcements:

Illustration by Quentin Blake

Freebies & Bargains:

Awesome lists: 

Bookish Quotes:

That's it for this week!

I'm always on the lookout for interesting articles, lists, and links for News & Notes, so please let me know if you see (or write!) anything that might be good for this feature.  You can leave me a comment or send me an email -- my address is on the About/Review Policy/Contact page.


  1. Great news and notes this week! I'm going to be spending some time on the bookish Pinterest boards! I'm going to go read more about the Maryland teacher. It sounds like there's far more to the story than just the headlines which is often the case.

    1. I think there is more to the teacher story that we haven't heard yet, maybe on both sides. It's hard to know what to think.

      Have fun with the Pinterest boards! And stop by and check out mine if you have time - I have big collections of bookish quotes, books in art, libraries, fantasy art, and stuff like that. The link's in the sidebar with the other social media links.

  2. I read the article about the book, because there was something on our news about this last week and it said the teacher was fired for writing books about school shootings in sci-fi books. I didn't know all the details then, but it sounds like he might have some issues and even though I would hate to censor anyone's writing, teaching children is a different case. They should investigate him before letting him teach again, but should leave his books alone.
    Thanks for some interesting articles to check out!

    1. As Katherine points out in her comment (above), there's probably more to the story than we know yet. I'll try to keep an eye on it for next week's News & Notes, if there are any developments.

  3. Great links this week, Lark! Lots of links to check out.

    I'm planning to spend some time on Pinterest checking out book boards including yours. I try not to spend too much time on Pinterest, because I come up for air hours later, but sometimes I have to check things out...LOL


I love to hear what you have to say -- really! Unfortunately, I've been getting a lot of spam in addition to your wonderful comments, so I've had to turn on comment moderation. That means your comment may not post right away. I promise I'll post it -- and answer it -- as soon as I can!