Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Top Ten Books on My Fall 2014 TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's topic is Top Ten Books On My Fall To-Be-Read list. As usual, they aren't in any kind of order. All of them will be published this fall, in October or November.  Of course, there are plenty of books on my TBR list that have already been published - I just chose to limit this list to forthcoming books! (click image to go to Goodreads page) 



  1. Those first 4 books have the most beautiful covers! And they have such great write-ups that I can see I'll be adding to my TBR list again :)
    I've read a little about the Rothfuss book and am SO tempted, but I haven't read any of his others yet so don't know whether it would make sense.
    The Nora Roberts looks really appealing too - I've read a few of her books but never seen this series before, so might have to add the first one to my list.

    1. I know - the covers are scrumptious, aren't they? As for Rothfuss, I would start with the first Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind. (You can see my review here.) And I do like this Nora Roberts series!

    2. After reading your great review I'm definitely going to start at the beginning, to get the most from the whole series, because it sounds like it's going to be amazing, and I do already have The Name of the Wind on my Kindle.

  2. Actually, I've been saving the Heroes of Olympus series until all five books were out - I just couldn't take one more series to be waiting on. So I'm going to raid my daughter's shelves this week, and read the whole series over the next few weeks. Along with my regularly-scheduled reading, of course! :-)

  3. The Patrick Rothfuss looks interesting and he isn't an author I know much about so I'll definitely be looking for your review. I also haven't tried Mallet, Riordan or Finch even though I own books by all three. Thursdays with the Crown looks fun. And of course the Van Allen, Woods, Roberts and Balogh are already on my list. Would you believe I completely forgot about the 2nd in the Roberts series? I've had it for months but haven't read it and forgot I had it until I saw your list!

  4. I didn't know there was a Thursdays with the Crown! I really should finish the first book (I read half and got sidetracked... what I read was cute, though)!

  5. The Balogh cover is just gorgeous! I need to give her another read sometime soon.

  6. A novella focused on Auri - How interesting! I have been curious about her back story. Looks like a good mix of books!

  7. I'm behind on the Heroes of Olympus series, but I'm excited about Blood of Olympus coming out. And yeah for Mary Balogh! Love her books! Happy reading!

  8. I still have to read Patrick Rothfuss. I hope to read something by him by the end of the year. Of course, Mary Balogh is on my list, too. Good list of books!

  9. There are some really pretty covers on your list. I haven't read any Nora Roberts for a while, so I'm very tempted to look into BLOOD MAGICK and its series.

  10. Oh, there are some gorgeous covers there! I see some books that I need to check out, maybe add to my pile.


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