Wednesday, January 30, 2013

News & Notes -- Extra mid-week edition! 1/30/2013

A bonus issue of News & Notes this week!

Heads up -- The second annual Take Your Child to the Library Day is Feb. 2, 2013!  If your library isn't participating, let them know about it this event, and take your kids anyway.  There's more information and a link to the promotional artwork on the Connecticut Library Consortium website.

The new Facebook Graph Search has been in the news, and it's... creepy.  Scary, even.  Media Shift has an article on just what can be done with it, while Electronic Frontier Foundation shows you how to limit who can see what you post, from Photos to Timeline to Likes.

"Who Really Owns Your Photos in Social Media? (Updated 2013 Edition)" A photographer who posted pictures of the Haiti earthquake on Twitpic and shared them via Twitter has won a copyright infringement case against a French news agency and the Washington post.  MediaShift's  excellent article on this also details what news media outlets and other users of photos found on the Internet should know about copyright, as well as information for photographers on posting photos on Flickr, Photobucket, Facebook, and other sites.

Not book-related, but useful for anyone who uses the Internet: "7 Steps to Protect Your Online Security."  (Linda Bernstein, on Forbes' Next Avenue)

And finally, here's an article I found very interesting on a topic most of us can relate to. "Why You Never Really Leave High School," by the appropriately-named Jennifer Senior, explores the lasting psychological effects of high school, based on new studies on brain and personality development. (New York magazine's News & Features page)

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