Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Little White Horse, by Elizabeth Goudge (review)

'Treasures from the Hoard' are books I treasure and re-read.


Elizabeth Goudge’s The Little White Horse is one of my favorite children’s books.  Set in England’s West Country sometime in the 19th century, the book is a charming and original fairy tale by an author who was, in her day, a beloved novelist.

Newly-orphaned Maria Merriwether and her governess, Miss Heliotrope, must leave London to live with Maria’s uncle, Sir Benjamin, at the family estate of Moonacre Manor.  Maria immediately falls in love with Moonacre, its charming village, and the small, idyllic valley in which they lie. 

But all is not well at Moonacre.  There is a long-standing feud between the Merriwethers and the fishermen who dwell in a castle in the pinewood, poaching and stealing livestock from manor and village alike.  Can Maria, aided by her childhood friend Robin and the manor’s wise animals, reform the castle-dwellers, reunite not one but two pairs of star-crossed lovers, and bring peace back to Moonacre Valley?

It’s hard to put into words just why I love this book so much.  The fantasy elements, such as the titular little white horse and the ghost of Maria’s ancestor Sir Wrolf, are never intrusive; they appear in glimpses and hints only.  The characters are individual, whimsically eccentric, and appealing – even the villain of the piece has some redeeming characteristics.  Goudge never overdoes either the humor or the whimsy.  The result is a beautiful, magical gem of a story, full of the redemptive power of love and common sense.

In fact, the only thing that detracts from my enjoyment of The Little White Horse is the descriptive epithet Goudge gives to the villain, Cocque du Noir (also Coeur de Noir) and his henchmen: They are the Black Men, a term which describes not their skin but their hearts, hair, clothing, and even the sails of their fishing boats.  Given when and where Goudge was writing – mid-20th-century England – it’s not surprising that she didn’t realize the racial overtones the term “Black Men” could have for an American audience.  As a child, I completely missed this connotation; I understood the term only in the sense that Goudge intended it.  Yet the linkage of “black” with “bad”, though common enough in Western literature and culture, displays a racial insensitivity which I now find troubling.  It’s something today’s parents may want to discuss with their children. 

Should you avoid the book on this account?  Absolutely not.  There is a lot to love about this charming book, from the wonderfully drawn characters to the lovingly described setting.  (As a child, I longed for a tower room like Maria’s at Moonacre.  To be honest, I still do.)  There’s just the right amount of danger and suspense, perfectly balanced by marvelous touches of humor and the hints of magic that overlay the entire novel like the glitter of fairy dust.  If you somehow missed A Little White Horse in your childhood, you owe it to yourself to read it now.

Final notes:   A hardcover version was recently issued with the original illustrations by C. Walter Hodges, which are perfectly suited to the book.  Sadly, the paperback versions currently in print do not contain illustrations at all.

J. K. Rowling said of this book, 'The Little White Horse was my favourite childhood book. I absolutely adored it. It had a cracking plot. It was scary and romantic in parts and had a feisty heroine.' – quoted in The Bookseller, 19980911

This review is part of the Read and Review Hop hosted by Anya at On Starships and Dragonwings.  Thanks, Anya!

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Category: Children’s books; fantasy
Publisher: Puffin
Book Source: my collection

Find this book on Goodreads.


  1. This is one of my favorite books too! I found a first edition at a book sale years ago. The original illustrations are wonderful. On another note, I just finished "Hounded". Delightful read. Bruce enjoyed it too. We are both reading "Hexed" now.

  2. There are so many people who don't know "The Little White Horse" that it's always a delight to find someone who loves it! And re your other note -- may I borrow "Hexed" when you're done with it? I've had it on hold at the library, but their copy appears to have gone missing.

  3. Hadn't heard of this one before, but it sounds great! Exactly the kind of fantasy I would enjoy. :D I'll check it out. Thanks for the review! :D

  4. Liesel, please let me know what you think of it after you've read it -- or if you review it, please post a link to your review!

  5. This sounds like such a charming book! I've been in the mood for whimsical, younger books lately (probably because life, gah!), so thank you so much for pointing this one out! Also if Rowling recommends it, how can I say no?? Haha! Thanks for joining in the review hop this week, just remember that you need to post a link back to the hop in your review please :)

  6. Awww. Cute. I reviewed The Last Unicorn for the Read and Review Hop, so we're thinking along the same lines this week. :)

    I've never heard of this book, I'll have to check it out.

  7. Oops! Sorry, Anya; it's fixed. I hope you enjoy the book!

    Rachel, I've been meaning to reread The Last Unicorn. Thanks for the reminder.

  8. I would be happy to loan you "Hexed" but were reading them on our kindles and I'm not sure I can loan them.

  9. Sounds like a charming children's novel. I'll have to keep my eye out for it at the next bookstore opportunity. I like the idea of bad guys that are redeemable.

  10. Carolyn: You're right, you won't be able to loan it to me. Oh, well! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    nrlymrtl: I'm sure you'll like "The Little White Horse," but you may have a hard time finding it in stores. A children's bookstore might carry it, though.


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