Friday, February 1, 2013

Alpha Writer's Workshop deadline approaching

Photo by Oliver Hammond, Flickr. Used under Creative Commons license.

Are you a young (14- to 19-year-old) writer?  Do you write SF, fantasy, and/or horror?  Then you have a month left to apply for the 2013 Alpha Workshop, a yearly 10-day writers' workshop for teen authors. This year's author guests are Tamora Pierce, Scott Westerfield, and Theodora Goss; each one will teach for two days.  The workshop takes place in Pittsburgh in summer and concludes with attendance at Confluence, a literary sci-fi convention.  The deadline for applications is March 3, and you will need to submit an original short story of between 2000 and 6000 words (no fan fic or derivative works; this has to be entirely your own creation.)  So rev up your keyboard or break out your pencil and paper and start writing (or revising) your entry!

Disclaimer: I have no relationship with the Alpha workshop; I'm just passing along the information for any interested young authors.

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