Saturday, September 27, 2014

News & Notes - 9/27/14 (The Banned Books Week edition)

News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, giveaways on this and other blogs, and other cool stuff.

Banned Books Week officially ends today. While not every link this week is related to Banned Books Week, a number of them are.

Books & Ebooks in the News:

Worth Reading/Listening to: 

For Writers & Bloggers:

Book Announcements:

Awesome lists: 

Bookish Quotes:

That's it for this week!

I'm always on the lookout for interesting articles, lists, and links for News & Notes, so please let me know if you see (or write!) anything that might be good for this feature.  You can leave me a comment or send me an email -- my address is on the About/Review Policy/Contact page.


  1. Ooh, the color thesaurus is awesome! I sent the link to a friend who's a writer. :)

  2. Love the color thesaurus, it has so many uses. You did a super job rounding up articles about banned books. :)

  3. So many good links you posted that I just read and enjoyed. And that quote by Patrick Rothfuss-- awesome!
    Thanks so much for all your hard work putting this together. I really appreciate it.

  4. Great post! I love all the banned book info!

  5. It is so easy to get sucked into these post for hours just reading! I can't imagine how much time it takes to put together! I especially enjoyed the post on allusions and the color thesaurus. Thanks for pulling this all together!

  6. You have so many great banned book links this week, Lark. This is an important topic and I missed it this year. Last year I read two banned books for the week. I am always so amazed when I see the lists of banned books. Some I'm not surprised about, but others are totally puzzling to me. Now I have to go and follow some of these links!


I love to hear what you have to say -- really! Unfortunately, I've been getting a lot of spam in addition to your wonderful comments, so I've had to turn on comment moderation. That means your comment may not post right away. I promise I'll post it -- and answer it -- as soon as I can!