Friday, October 12, 2012

Forthcoming books: A previously unpublished Tolkien epic

This one rates a Super-Cool: It seems that HarperCollins has acquired the rights to publish Tolkien's 200+ page epic poem The Fall of Arthur, written in alliterative verse.  (Think Beowulf, but longer.) The poem describes Arthur's final struggle against Mordred. 

HarperCollins UK and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt will are set to release the book on  May 23, 2013 in the UK and the US, respectively.  HarperCollins UK's Australian release is scheduled for June 1. 

As a lifelong Tolkien and Arthurian literature fan, this book sounds seriously awesome.  I can hardly wait!

 "The Fall of Arthur". HarperCollins UK website.
 "HC to release previously unpublished Tolkien poem".  Joshua Farrington, The Bookseller. 
 "'New' JRR Tolkien epic due out next year". Allison Flood, The Guardian.

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