Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Kind of Christmas (Virgin River series), by Robyn Carr (review)

The Riordan brothers may have a reputation for being rough-and tumble, but Patrick has always been the gentle, sweet-natured one. These days, his easygoing manner is being tested by his high-octane career as a navy pilot. But for the Riordan brothers, when the going gets tough…the tough find the love of a good woman.
Except the woman who has caught Patrick’s attention is Jack Sheridan’s very attractive niece.
Angie LeCroix comes to Virgin River to spend Christmas relaxing, away from her well-intentioned but hovering mother. Yet instead of freedom, she gets Jack Sheridan. If her uncle had his way, she’d never go out again. And certainly not with rugged, handsome Patrick Riordan. But Angie has her own idea of the kind of Christmas she wants—and the kind of man!
Patrick and Angie thought they wanted to be left alone this Christmas—until they meet each other. Then they want to be left alone together. But the Sheridan and Riordan families have different plans for Patrick and Angie—and for Christmas, Virgin River–style!

Finally, a Virgin River romance featuring the fifth and youngest Riordan brother, Patrick!  Robyn Carr is back on her game with My Kind of Christmas, the 20th installment in the popular series.  Patrick Riordan and Angie LaCroix are clearly made for each other; the only question regarding their relationship is how long it will take Patrick to figure that out.

The tensions in this book are primarily outside the lovers’ relationship, rather than within it, which is rather refreshing.  After a near-fatal car accident and an arduous, months-long recovery, Angie is considering leaving medical school for the Peace Corps, putting her at odds with her strong-willed and somewhat bossy mother, Donna (Jack Sheridan’s sister, for those familiar with the series.)  Patrick, too, is rethinking his life – in his case his career as a Navy fighter pilot – after a flight accident resulted in the death of his closest friend.  Their situation, both individually and as a couple, is quite believable, and I enjoyed the friendship as well as the passion between the two.  Angie’s willingness to accept a short-term relationship with Patrick (something I normally dislike) works here mainly because it flows out of her new determination to really live her life.  She accepts the pain she knows will come because she believes that Patrick, and their relationship, is worth it; this decision only underscores her inner strength.  Patrick himself is a good and honorable man – less tortured than either Colin or Luke, less feckless than Sean, and without a crazy ex-wife in the background like Aiden. It’s easy to imagine Patrick and Angie building a life together, if only he can let go of his friend and re-evaluate his commitment to his friend’s widow.

Revisiting old friends is one of the pleasures of the Virgin River series, though the cast of characters is by now far too large to include everyone in every novel.  This time around, we see a fair bit of the Sheridan and Riordan clans.  Jack is prominent early on, fiercely protective of his young niece and not at all happy about her interest in Patrick.  Mel, Brie, and Mike make several appearances, as does Colin Riordan.  We catch short glimpses of matriarch Maureen Riordan and her beau, Luke and Shelly, Colin’s partner Jill, and Kelly and her family, along with Denny and Becca.  An important subplot features Megan, a child we first met in Denny and Becca’s story. 

There are no major upheavals, no ordeals in My Kind of Christmas.  Instead, we get an enjoyable, feel-good romance between two likable people, written with Carr’s signature warmth and humor.  Fans of the series will happily welcome Patrick and Angie to the extended Virgin River family.

*   *   *

Category: Contemporary romance
Series: Virgin River #20
Book source: Publisher e-ARC through NetGalley

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