Saturday, December 8, 2012

News and Notes: 12/08/12

Remember Reading Rainbow, the PBS children's show about books hosted by Geordi LaForge - excuse me, Levar Burton?  Here's a nice remix music video put together by John D. Boswell (aka melodysheep) for PBS Digital Studios, entitled "In Your Imagination."  Enjoy!

Author Andrea K Höst shares "A Rough Guide to Diana Wynn Jones" in her recent guest post on the Book Smugglers blog (one of my favorite review blogs, by the way.)  If you're a DWJ fan, or would like to read her books but don't quite know where to begin, it's worth checking out.  I know I'll be adding a few of these books to my ever-increasing TBR list!

If you love libraries, the website claims to show "The Most Beautiful Libraries in the World." The site certainly has some gorgeous examples, ranging from modest house libraries to university and royal libraries and even libraries in film. 

On FutureBook, Adam Juniper believes that "Print and eBooks cannot co-exist after all."  I'm not sure he's right when it comes to hardcovers, but if issues surrounding ebook pricing and the ever-thorny question of ownership/resale are resolved in favor of the consumer, I suspect mass market paperbacks may indeed become an endangered species.

The Digital Reader's Nate Hoffelder suspects that Baen Books, which has long sold its ebooks (and given them away) only through its own website, may be planning to offer ebooks through Amazon.  He explains his reasoning here.


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