Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey opens at midnight tonight in theaters across the U.S. ... and we've got tickets!  I can hardly wait!  Our daughter has knit herself "hobbit feet" -- slippers that look like hobbit feet, complete with "hair" -- for the opening, and is putting together a costume.  I haven't yet decided whether to lend her my cloak or wear it myself...

By the way, if you haven't seen any of the trailers and teasers, the movie looks awesome.  You can check out various trailers here.    

And to address some of the critics: Yes, they have added some bits that aren't in the original book -- scenes showing what Gandalf is up to when he leaves the dwarves and Bilbo outside Mirkwood, for instance.  Some of that material is drawn from the appendices to The Lord of the Rings, so despite the fact that it isn't in The Hobbit, it's still canon.  

And if you haven't watched Air New Zealand's marvelous Tolkien-themed safety briefing, do so.  Now.  It's a creative take on the usual pre-flight spiel, and a lot of fun.

I'll try to post a review of the movie as soon as I can, but my weekend is pretty full with work and getting ready for vacation (not to mention catching up on sleep after staying up half the night!)  It may take a few days. Stay tuned!

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