Saturday, February 16, 2013

News & Notes -- 2/16/13

I've got some fun stuff on this week's News & Notes.  You'll also notice that I'm still tweaking the format for this feature, going for shorter descriptions and more lists of links.  Leave me a comment and tell me what you think!

Worth Reading:

Author Susan Froetschel (Fear of Beauty) wrote a powerful guest post on illiteracy and why it matters for the Jungle Red Writers blog. Please read it.  (Froetschel's own mystery/suspense novel centers around an illiterate Afghan mother whose son has been killed, and an American special forces officer.

Literary Intelligence: Writers as Spies, by Ros Barber.  Christopher Marlowe, Ian Fleming, Graham Greene, John Le Carre, and other literary spies.

 Cool Stuff:


 Book Lists: 

Books & Ebooks in the News:


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