Saturday, February 23, 2013

News & Notes -- 2/23/2013

Worth Reading:

  • Is Sherlock Holmes still under copyright?  Leslie Klinger, Holmesian scholar and co-editor (with Laurie R. King) of the recent short-story collection, A Study in Sherlock, is suing the Conan Doyle estate.  The estate recently demanded licensing fees be paid for In the Company of Sherlock Holmes, an upcoming anthology of short stories also edited by Klinger and King.  Of the 60 or so works featuring Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, only 10 remain under copyright in the U.S.; the bulk of the titles are in public domain. Klinger's suit argues that because the characters of Holmes and Watson are well established in the stories already in public domain, the characters themselves are also in the public domain. has the full text of the press release from the Klinger camp.  Nate Hoffelder also takes a look at the issue on his blog, The Digital Reader.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Cool Stuff:

  • Author Alarms is a new service which will let you know when your favorite author has a new e-book out, whether the author is traditionally published or a self-published indie author.  Just sign up with your email and the author's name, and they'll send you an email when a new book by that author comes out -- free.  I'm definitely going to try this out!
  •  Here's a post with photos of creative bookshelves of all types (some more practical than others!)
  • And here's a post with lots of photos of how the Bookworm Bookshelf was designed and built.
Bookworm Bookshelf by Rachel Ariyavatkul

  Ebook bargains: 

  • Magic Under Glass, by Jaclyn Dolamore.  $1.59 Kindle, $1.99 Kobo (ePub)
  • Three mysteries by Deborah Crombie are on sale at Kobo for $3.99 each: All Shall Be Well, Dreaming of the Bones, Leave the Grave Green . Amazon has them for Kindle at an even lower price, along with the first book in the series, A Share in Death. Crombie writes wonderful mysteriesr; grab these while you have the chance. 

Giveaways on other blogs: 

Books & Ebooks in the News:


  1. I like the author alarm, Goodreads sends something out for book in my too read list and authors I love

    1. They do, and it's really useful! I think Author Alarm also covers self-published indie authors, and I'm not sure if Goodreads does or not.


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