Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Post - 2/24/13

The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  It's a chance to share news.  A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This was another busy week.  I've been finalizing music choices and working on publicity for the spring season of the children's and youth choruses I direct.  That has taken up a lot of my time, and will need even more time this coming week as we head toward the first rehearsal.  I probably won't have as much time as I'd like for reading and blogging over the next few weeks, but I'll do my best to fit them both in.

The past week on the blog:  

  • Mon. 2/18   Dream Eyes, by Jayne Ann Krentz (review)
  • Tues. 2/19  Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Characters in Fantasy
  • Wed. 2/20  Love Saves the Day, by Gwen Cooper (review)
  • Fri. 2/22    Starting Now, by Debbie Macomber (advance review & giveaway!)
  • Sat. 2/24   a really packed News & Notes

The coming week:

  • The Lost Prince, by Julie Kagawa (review)
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors That I'd Put On My Auto-Buy List 
  • The Valley of the Shadow, by Carola Dunn (review)
  • The Library Lover's Mystery series, by Jenn McKinlay
  • News & Notes, and possibly a few more goodies!

New arrivals:   

Between the library book sale, library holds, and an ARC or two, I brought home a lot of books this week!  I'm incredibly excited about one of the ARCS -- Scholastic is letting me read The Runaway King, the sequel to Jennifer A. Nielsen's The False Prince, which I really loved!  It comes out on Friday, March 1, so if you've been waiting as eagerly as I have, your wait is almost over.  I also received The Nightmare Affair by Mindee Arnett, which looks interesting. 

From the library, I got Eloisa James's The Ugly Duchess, JoAnn Ross's Sea Glass Winter, A. G. Howard's Splintered, and Ann Osterlund's Academy 7

And from the library booksale, I got hardcover copies of numbers 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 in Rebecca Tope's Cotswold Mystery series,  
Death in the Cotswolds, A Cotswold Mystery, Blood in the Cotswolds, Fear in the Cotswolds, and A Grave in the Cotswolds, which I've been meaning to read.  I also picked up a copy of Dava Sobol's Galileo's Daughter. 

All in all, a good week and some awesome stash additions! 


  1. What a great looking collection of books! I do want to read that new Debbie Macomber book...and I need to read something else by Jayne Ann Krentz....hope you enjoy them all.


    1. Thank you, Laurel! I think you'll like the Debbie Macomber.

  2. Great haul! I, too, am a big Debbie Macomber and Jayne Ann Krentz fan. I've fallen behind in the Blossom Street series and hope to catch up soon!

    Here's my Sunday Post:

    1. Hi, Catherine! I think you'll enjoy Starting Now whenever you get to it. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Nice haul. I really liked Splintered. Hope you do and the rest of your haul.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

    1. Thank you, Jenea! I'm definitely looking forward to a bunch of these!

  4. Some people said Nightmare Affair wasn't too good, but I was really looking forward to it. I'll have to read your review. My Stacking The Shelves post

    1. Hi, HarleyBear! Welcome to the Bookwyrm's Hoard! I haven't read any other reviews of The Nightmare Affair yet, but the blurb sounded intriguing. Keep an eye out -- hopefully I'll be reviewing it in the next few weeks!

  5. Wow, looks like you've added a lot of great books this week!! It's always exciting to get an ARC for a book you are highly anticipating! :-) Hope your coming week is a great one!

    Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Salon Post, too!

    1. You should have heard me when I logged into Netgalley and found they had approved me for The Runaway King. I was all but jumping up and down in glee. (Come to think of it, there was a bit of jumping up and down, too.)

  6. Ooh great haul! Splintered is one that I considered getting too - hopefully will get around to it soon.

    1. Hi, Tanya! I love the cover for Splintered -- I hope the book lives up to it!

  7. I am curious about all the Cotwolds books, I love mystery series in one setting. I think it's wonderful you are so busy with choir and the children. My kids all participated and even did show choir. (well not my son he did Rugby) but both of my girls are singers. Have a delightful week and I hope you get to read some of your new haul! The Sunday Post

    1. I've been in love with England forever. I wish I could visit more often. When our daughter was 7, we took her to England and Wales, and stayed in the Cotswolds for a few days with a friend of my parents. It's beautiful countryside. I can't wait to start this series, but I think I'll borrow book 1 from the library first.

      That's great that your girls are singers! I've been singing since before I can remember. I started directing the choruses about 5 years ago -- first the children, and then about 2 years ago, I took over the youth also. They used to be directed by our daughter's violin teacher. Our daughter has been singing in them since she was 5 or 6, but this is her last year -- she heads off to college in the fall.

  8. I am thrilled to see you picking up the cozies and loved all your posts this past week!!

    1. Thanks, Lori! And thank you so much for the intro to the Library Lover's Mysteries; they're a lot of fun.


I love to hear what you have to say -- really! Unfortunately, I've been getting a lot of spam in addition to your wonderful comments, so I've had to turn on comment moderation. That means your comment may not post right away. I promise I'll post it -- and answer it -- as soon as I can!