Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Best Characters To Be Marooned on a Desert Island With

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's topic is Top Ten Characters I'd Want With Me on a Desert Island.

  • Dumbledore. Because a great wizard always comes in handy. I thought about Gandalf, but while he's very good at what he does, what he does mostly is fight things. Dumbledore, on the other hand, can create things. Very useful. Not to mention, he can Apparate and take me off the stupid island.
  • Mrs Who, Mrs Whatsit, and Mrs Which.  In case Apparating doesn't work, I'm pretty sure tessering will.
With those four, I don't really need anyone else, because I won't be on the island for long!


  1. Bwahaha! This is how my mind works too - why pick characters with survival skills when I just choose someone who can get me OFF the island?!?

  2. Loving how your mind works!

  3. Great list! I didn't even think of getting off the island. Thanks for sharing. I'll still be stuck on the island forever. Have a great week and happy reading! My TTT

    1. I loved the Swiss Family Robinson book when I was young, but to be stuck on a deserted island in reality? Not so much. I'd rather have the means to leave quickly.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! It was fun - the easiest TTT I've done in a while!

  5. Great list, Lark! I like the way you think. I especially like Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Which! They would be great as would Dumbledore.

  6. Very smart list Lark! I like the Dumbledore vs Gandolf pick - I think you chose wisely ;)

    1. Thanks, Berls! I love Gandalf, but as I would have no need of Balrog-killing or fireworks on an island, I'd rather have Dumbledore.

  7. Great answer, Lark!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. I picked a character for similar reasons! Love it!

  9. I wasn't THAT clever but I did choose a couple of mine based on the fact that they could figure out how to get us off the island. Apparating would be much faster - ha ha! PLus Dumbledore's charming.

    1. He is -- but a little unnerving, don't you think? Or rather, he simultaneously makes you feel safe and comforted, and off-balance. But I like him enormously.

  10. Brilliant! Seriously WHY did I not think to bring a wizard?? This is serious fictional deserted island marooning 101!

  11. Like others have said- I think it's great you thought how to get OFF the island. Even if they couldn't get you off the island for whatever reason, the conversation would be interesting... :)

    1. True. . . (tries to imagine a conversation between Mrs Whatsit, Mrs Which, and Dumbledore - mind boggles) But I am absolutely convinced Mrs Which could get me off the island even if no one else could. If she can tesser to distant galaxies, she can tesser across a measly little ocean. Assuming she's willing, of course.


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