Wednesday, July 23, 2014

In the Dragon's Eye: Mission to Murder

In the Dragon's Eye is where I share the books I've got my acquisitive eye on: the ones I'm really excited about and hope to read and perhaps add to the hoard.  I also link it to "Waiting On" Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.  Cover links take you to Goodreads, and all summaries are also from Goodreads.

Mission to Murder (Tourist Trap Mystery #2)
 Lynn Cahoon
July 1, 2014 (print); July 31, 2014 (ebook)

In the California coastal town of South Cove, history is one of its many tourist attractions—until it becomes deadly…

Jill Gardner, proprietor of Coffee, Books, and More, has discovered that the old stone wall on her property might be a centuries-old mission worthy of being declared a landmark. But Craig Thomas, the obnoxious owner of South Cove’s most popular tourist spot, The Castle, makes it his business to contest her claim. When Thomas is found murdered at The Castle shortly after a heated argument with Jill, even her detective boyfriend has to ask her for an alibi. Jill decides she must find the real murderer to clear her name. But when the killer comes for her, she’ll need to jump from historic preservation to self-preservation …

I enjoyed the first book in this series, and I'm hoping the second will be just as much fun! I like Jill, and there were several loose ends regarding her inheritance that I'd like to see explored. Not to mention her relationship with the local police detective, which is only just getting started!

ETA: I didn't realize when I posed this that the print version came out on July 1. The ebook version isn't being released until July 31. That seems a little strange, but there's a big price difference, so perhaps it's to encourage print sales early on. The print version lists for $15.00; the ebook will list for $3.99.


  1. This sounds like a fun cozy, and I have to say I love the name of the bookstore in the story- Coffee, Books & More. Sounds like a nice place to hang out... :)

    1. The first one was fun; I'm looking forward to book 2. I'm actually signed up for a tour, so I'll be reading it soon.

  2. I had my eye on the first tourist trap book. I must try that before getting this one, but thanks for spotlighting it.

    1. The first one was a lot of fun, and it goes on sale periodically, too.

  3. I'm new to cozies, but I loved the series that introduced me to them, so I've always got my eyes open for a good one. I'll have to go back and check out #1 in this series then. Thanks for sharing Lark :)

    1. I liked the first one, and so far this one is off to a good start, though the body hasn't turned up yet.

  4. I've also got my eye on the first one.

    More pubs are doing the delayed ebook release. Some readers buy the print instead of waiting for the ebook but I think mostly the pubs just annoy their ebook readers.

    1. I think you're right on that, Bea. I find it annoying to wait. (Thankfully, I just got the ARC for a tour, so I got to start a smidge early.)

  5. Oh, this is a series that I've been meaning to start. So glad you're enjoying it. Thanks for stopping by my WoW blog post.


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