Saturday, August 2, 2014

News & Notes - 8/02/14

News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, giveaways on this and other blogs, and other cool stuff.

Books & Ebooks in the News:

Worth Reading/Listening to: 

For Writers & Bloggers:

Literary Losses:

Bel Kaufman, author of Up the Down Staircase, died July 25, 2014, at the age of 103. Her novel, which was made into a movie starring Sandy Dennis, was based on Kaufman's own experiences as teacher in New York City.  (Obituary: The New York Times)

Book Announcements:

Michael Whale: cover art for The White Dragon

Awesome lists: 

Really cool:

The History of Typography, a short film by DesignMantic.

Just for fun:  

Bookish Quotes:

That's it for this week!

I'm always on the lookout for interesting articles, lists, and links for News & Notes, so please let me know if you see (or write!) anything that might be good for this feature.  You can leave me a comment or send me an email -- my address is on the About/Review Policy/Contact page.


  1. I've actually read a lot of these articles already. :D I see a few I missed such as the sci fi list and the list of children's books. You always do such a good job of rounding up links.

  2. I could of used the moving with books article a few years ago! I wonder what HarperCollins buying Harlequin will change? Especially since HarperCollins already has the Avon imprint. Love the new Harry Potter covers! They get the best covers in the UK!

  3. I always enjoy reading your Book News post first thing on a Saturday morning with my coffee :) Always something I am interested in... I loved the beautiful children's book pictures feature and the quote of the week is right on target.

    The moving with books--oh well-- when we moved, I donated all but perhaps a tiny stack of books. I gave some to my church sale and the rest to Goodwill. I could never, ever throw out a book and I don't have anyone in my extended family who reads my type of books (or has the time for it). I was a bit sad to do it, but hey, others will benefit from it and I am slowly working my way back to a small bookshelf of print books, just because! I read mostly on my kindle but I love to have print books in the home for those certain times, or to giveaway, or just admire!

  4. As always you hunt down the best links Lark! I'm kinda torn on the Amazon/Hatchette thing. As an aspiring writer, I think it's wrong for them to control book prices. As a reader who legally buys (or borrow from the library) all her books, I agree with them that $14 + dollars for an ebook is absolutely ridiculous. I've paid it for new releases, but I've been angry about it too. I mean, no matter how good a book is, that eBook didn't cost you that much to produce so why?

    Loved the 8 tips for moving with lots of books. My tip (as a ridiculously frequent mover) don't unpack them until you KNOW you won't be moving for a while. And make your brother and/or boyfriend carry all those boxes ;)

    I'm not sure I like the new Harry Potter covers :( Maybe I'm just attached to the old ones?

    Those videos were great too :) My stepson came in and watched the Dr. Who/Sherlock Holmes one. He says Dr. Who is way better LOL.

  5. A Dragonriders of Pern movie would be awesome if it's well done.The list of influential scifi/fantasy books is interesting. I've read some of them and have meant to read others. I'm not sure I agree The Hunger Games should be there.

    I sure wish the price would come down on e-books. I think $9.99 is too high--especially when the book has been out for several years. I only buy a handful of books at that price every year.


I love to hear what you have to say -- really! Unfortunately, I've been getting a lot of spam in addition to your wonderful comments, so I've had to turn on comment moderation. That means your comment may not post right away. I promise I'll post it -- and answer it -- as soon as I can!