Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Post - 8/03/14

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  It's a chance to share news, a post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Robin comes home today from Alpha, her writing workshop. It's about 5 hours from here; my husband is driving up and back while I stay home to work. Yup, I said work. I've got a big project due tomorrow and I'll be working literally all day and probably half the night to finish in time, so I won't be on the blog much until Tuesday.

I did find time for a little blogging during the past week. I had most of this week's posts already scheduled, but I did substitute a new post for the one I had planned for Friday, in order to keep a series in order. And I added a post about a possible Dragonriders of Pern movie, because that would be so freaking awesome!

The next few weeks are going to be busy. This week we're getting Robin ready to leave for school, which means shopping. Then we're headed out for a few weeks of visiting family before heading to her college to mover her in to the dorm again. I may be a bit spotty about answering comments during that time, but I'll do my best!

Last week on the blog: 

The coming week:

  • Mon. 8/04/14: TOUR: Well Read, Then Dead, by Terrie Farley Moran (interview & review)
  • Tues. 8/05/14: Release Day Review: Guarded, by Mary Behre - the second book in the Tidewater series.
  • Wed. 8/06/14: In the Dragon's Eye (W.O.W.)
  • Thur. 8/07/14: Blood Red by Mercedes Lackey (review)
  • Fri. 8/08/14:  TBD
  • Sat. 8/09/14:  News & Notes - 8/09/14

New additions to the hoard: 

(Cover links go to Goodreads)

For review:  Absolutely nothing again! I'm catching up, at least a little bit!

Bought or free for my Kindle:

The Hunger Games is really for Robin (but I'll probably read it someday.) The Stephanie Laurens was a preorder. The Bella Andre was on sale.

SYNC free audiobooks: I didn't download this week's audiobooks.

That's it for this week! Happy reading!


  1. Good luck with the shopping and moving in! I remember those days well! lol Hope yall have a great time visiting around too :)

  2. Love the look of Well Read, Then Dead. Enjoy your reading!


    1. Oh, it was fun! I do love a well-written cozy. Have a good week!

  3. Happy shopping! I enjoyed Guarded and hope you did too. Belle Andre is always an excellent choice :)

    1. I know you're a big Bella Andre fan - I've got several of hers sitting on my Kindle, waiting for me to have time to read them. But I didn't realize you'd read Mary Behre's books! She lives in my neighborhood, though I only met her this summer. She gave a great talk at our local library.

  4. Busy lady! I hope it all goes smoothly.

    I'm jealous. I requested Blood Red but was turned down. I can't wait to see what you think of it. I'm also curious about your other two reviews for this week.

    Good luck getting your work done and have fun shopping.

    1. I got the project done and turned in on time. We got all the shopping done and had friends over for tea! So the week's going well.

      I lucked out and put Blood Red on hold at the library early enough to be the first person on the list, which is how I got to read it. I used to buy almost all her books, but now I wait to see if I like it before buying it. There've been a few in the last 5 or 6 years that just haven't done it for me.

  5. Have fun with the work projects and moving and all that. You're going to need a vacation when you finally get done with it all. I'm looking forward to seeing your review of Well Read Then Dead. From the cover it looks like my kind of book. I have at least 2 Belle Andre books and have yet to read either of them. One day we'll be caught up right!

    1. I probably will need another vacation at that - but I don't think I'll get one! Well Read, Then Dead was a lot of fun - but by now you've probably already seen the review (since I'm writing this on Wednesday. Bad me.) I don't think I'll EVER get caught up - I keep adding books I want to read faster than I can read them!

  6. A Dragonriders of Pern movie? Wow that would be awesome- if done right, I agree. Great news. Good luck with work and hope it all goes smoothly.


I love to hear what you have to say -- really! Unfortunately, I've been getting a lot of spam in addition to your wonderful comments, so I've had to turn on comment moderation. That means your comment may not post right away. I promise I'll post it -- and answer it -- as soon as I can!